Fun With Guns: I Drive a Damn Mercedes Edition

September 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We’ve gotta to go to the sunshine state, y’all, because all that fun relaxes you.

Or not.

A Florida woman who was driving her kids to kid things shot a dirty look at a man in a Mercedes who was weaving in and out of traffic.  The man return the look with waving a handgun at her car.

She called 911.  While on the phone, she said he “brandished a military-style rifle with a scope attached.”  He was driving erratically, including putting his Mercedes in reverse.

She drove away as fast as she could.  Other drivers got to see the rest of his behavior.

Gayle Sarceno first encountered the man after he leaped out of his Mercedes facing the wrong way at an intersection, and he began jumping up and down on one leg.

images“He’s spewing blood from his leg,” Sarceno said. “He just drops, right there in the center lane.”

She and another witness stopped to help the man, who told them his name was Alex and that he had shot himself in his car.

Sarceno said the man was in extreme pain and apparently went into shock, and he was taken by an ambulance to a nearby hospital.

Police say they found a handgun and a large rifle in his car.  They are not releasing his name, which kinda takes away a lot of the fun about this.

Sometimes Miss Karma is a lovely lady.

Thanks to Mike for the heads up.

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