Fun With Guns: Hunting Tips From Juanita

April 08, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tip #1 – Do not hunt with Republican elected officials.

Tip #2 – Never forget Tip #1

Vaughan-Stevex175Oklahoma state Rep. Steve Vaughn (R) admitted to accidentally shooting a comrade on a hunting trip in March, according to The Oklahoman.

Vaughn said he apologized to fellow hunter Drew Ihrig after a shotgun pellet from the lawmaker’s 12-gauge shotgun struck Ihrig in the side of the head.

“I shot at the bird and, I guess, one of my BBs hit this guy,” Vaughn told The Oklahoman. “It could have bounced off a tree. He was in some trees. I really didn’t see him that good in the trees. And…it hit the side of his face. I didn’t even know I hit him.”

You’ve been warned.

Thanks to Charles for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Hunting Tips From Juanita”

  1. Ralph Wiggam says:

    If I ever go hunting with a Republican, elected or not, I’m gonna shoot first.

    That’s why I don’t hunt with Republicans, it’s not worth the jail time.

  2. “I really didn’t see him that good in the trees. And”..I shot there anyway, because I’m an idiotic gun owner

  3. who doesn’t understand gun safety

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Bright Orange Hunting Vest ———> “I’m with stupid” printed in day-glo yellow with optional picture of Darth Cheney available.

    St00pid gohmerts never learn.

  5. Marge Wood says:


  6. SteveTheReturned says:

    OK, no Cheney comparisons—until Mr. Ihrig publicly apologizes for being in the Representative’s line of fire. You’ll recall that’s what Darth’s victim ended up doing: apologizing for getting shot. Hey, you can’t make this stuff up…..

  7. Why my late brother in law, Moose, quit hunting, something he had been doing for nigh onto 30 years before he just decommissioned his weapons and locked them up. Too many stooopid people out there drinking and shooting and wearing white socks and low cut duck shoes in rabbit season. Moose railed against clowns up in the trees who fell all the out and managed to shoot themselves in some places on the way down. Drunk and skunks they were. One of these specimens was a judge.

    Good call, Moose, wherever you are at now.

  8. maryelle says:

    Tip #3:Refrain from befriending any and all Republicans, officials or otherwise.

  9. In Pennsylvania, archery season and squirrel season are at the same time. Archers wear camo and hide in trees to shoot their arrows at deer at the same time that clowns with shotguns are out shooting shotguns at squirrels. It is a miracle there are still living hunters in Pennsylvania. Cheney would have a field day.

  10. UmptyDump says:

    Amendment to Tip #1 – add “… Unless you are also a Republican.

  11. Republicans should never be allowed to handle guns. They get all excited and start shooting people inappropriately.

  12. Sam in Kyle says:

    Just establishing his VP creds.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Sam in Kyle, cha-ching-cheney brilliant, man!

  14. RepubAnon says:

    @UmptyDump: I agree – there’s nothing wrong with Republicans going hunting with other Republicans, so long as the rest of us have time to get behind something solid.

