Fun With Guns: Grandpas Are Fun Edition

September 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


A fifth-grade student at Kingsley Middle School, southeast of Interlochen, was found inside the building Monday with a loaded .25 caliber pistol secured around his waist, police say.

Authorities say the student told those questioning him that he took the gun from his grandfather’s house on Friday and then brought it to school. He offered “a couple” reasons for doing so and sheriff’s authorities say they are following up on those explanations.

I think the main reason he brought it to school is because Grandpa didn’t secure his firearms.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Grandpas Are Fun Edition”

  1. What is appalling to me is that it was after 2PM before school officials realized that this kid was walking around with a gun secured to his waistband!

  2. Please let’s prosecute Grandpa.

  3. Wonder if Grandpa is the kind of grandpa who would have a total fit when he discovered that his darling grandchild had stolen his possession. Maybe he even owns a woodshed. Seriously, though, I spent years of my life in Michigan and had romantic visions of some day visiting interlochen, famous for its music and arts camp. Now, not so much. Just hope Grandpa doesn’t thing this is funny or freedom or some such thing.

  4. Interesting that I assume the color of the fifth grader is white simply by the actions of the sheriff’s authorities and the non-actions of the principal. If the kid was a person of color, they’d either be immediately kicked out of school, in jail, or the authorities’ following up would include a trip to the morgue. I bet the grandpa will get a stern talking to because he’ll say his forgetting about his unsecured gun is simply a funny accident like what happens when you forget leaving the stove on or leaving your dog at the park.

  5. Meanwhile, the Chicago Tribune reported today that …

    “A 12-year-old boy told authorities he brought an unloaded handgun to his South Side elementary school because he was being bullied, police said.

    “A security officer found the .38-caliber Special after the boy showed the gun to another student and then placed it into the backpack of a third student Monday morning at Schmid Elementary School, 9755 S. Greenwood Ave., according to a police report.

    “The boy told police he carried the gun into school in his book bag ‘because he was being bullied by another student at the school,’ the report said.

    “The five-shot gun had a 2.5-inch barrel. Its serial number was defaced.

    “The boy, from the South Side, was arrested at 12:45 p.m. and taken to the Calumet District police station where he was cited in a juvenile petition with unlawful use of a weapon, police said. His mother was notified.

    “The police report said the boy has no gang affiliation.”

  6. The Interlochen fifth grader’s gun was loaded and police are “following up”, but the 12 year old’s gun was not loaded and he
    went immediately to juvenile court. Something’s not right here.
    Goes to prove glf’s point.

  7. Elise Von Holten says:


  8. If the gun the Chicago kid got hold of had its serial number defaced, that’s another thing that’s not right.

  9. There isn’t even one thing about any of this that IS right.
