Fun With Guns: Gotta Watch That Border! Edition

August 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

While Republican politicians send all the firepower to the border, we’re not looking in North Dallas.  Homegrown terrorism.

Police arrested a self-described “sovereign citizen” accused of shooting at police and firefighters after setting fire to a trash bin in Dallas.

No one was hurt and the Don’t Tread On Me dude turned himself in, but not before …



He called in a missing person report on himself, bombed a dumpster, threatened a babysitter and an 8 year old child, grabbed his AK47, started shooting propane tanks, and for good measure – he shot a damn firetruck.

Police said the man, whose name has not been released, called 911 to say he was part of the anti-government sovereign citizen movement.

Investigators said the man apparently set the Dumpster fire and called in the missing persons report as part of a planned ambush on officers.

Where are Rick Perry and Sean Hannity when you really need them?

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Gotta Watch That Border! Edition”

  1. Okie Dokie says:

    The “sovereign citizen” now qualifies for three hots and a cot. Maybe his new buddies will be interested in those theories about illegitimate governments.

  2. Sovereign psychopath is more like it. Hope this citizen is kept off the streets for a good long time.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    When I first saw the photo I thought it was a Monet painting. Then I read about the “artist”. Good grief.

  4. Because shooting at police and firemen is such a great way of attacking the government.

    Some blame for this loony’s choice of overall target goes to the folks who keep yelling that government is the enemy. (Oops, did I say that out loud?)

  5. When will Bundy join him in jail?

  6. Link didn’t work, but it could be my iPhone. I assume if he’d been anything other than a RWNJ, this would be all over the news.

  7. . . . . and yet he’s not lying dead in a street for hours and hours while platoons of cops defend–whatever.
    Go figure.

  8. Sweet Crabby says:

    Domestic terrorism. Keep using that words, friends. Domestic terrorism. He’s a terrorist, a danger to society, and I want him prosecuted as such. You and I paid for that fire truck, and for every first responder he tried to kill. I suspect that is a Federal crime, and I hope the Feds get involved quickly.

    The words we use matter. The Republicans are way ahead in the word wiggling game: Family values, Pro life, and American Freedom (party, works, etc) come to mind. Liberal media is another big one.

    Don’t let anyone get by talking about the freedom fighters in this country. Call them by name. Domestic terrorists. Use every negative word you can. Make it emotional, but keep the anger and cussing to a minimum. Negative, awful words make a big impact.

    If anyone asks my opinion, I’ll tell them that people like him should never, ever have access to a gun. I would talk about how I am not safe on a public street because of people like him. He doesn’t represent me. He isn’t an elected official. He’s one angry, unstable, scary, mentally unfit, dangerous, evil, EVIL man. Here we have people like Wendy Davis and Leticia Van de Putte with supporr from police and firefighters, and what do they have supporting them? Domestic terrorists.

    I want to beat them over their heads with that name. Help me out and use it, please. This old lady thanks you.

  9. No one ever really needs Rick Perry or Sean Hannity, ever!

  10. Yeah. I get it. Nothing says sovereign citizen like setting fire to a dumpster in preparation for ambushing first responders. I’m 99.44% against the death penalty. For this guy, not so much.

  11. Micr, not sure this deserves the death penalty– more like one of those sweaters with the sleeves that buckle in the back.

  12. Marcia in CO says:

    I believe I saw that pRick Perry was at some big doings and telling folks how awesome he is. But I try not to keep track of his comings and goings … I just saw this about him on the TV.

    Hannity … I could care less where that ugly turdblossom is.

    It seems like the RWNJs are all coming unraveled like a cheap sweater … It’s not Isis or ISIL or whatever we need to be worrying about, it’s these crazy folks doing crap like this guy and millions more whose brains are getting all kinked into knots!

  13. Marge Wood, I visited the Met this afternoon, and stopped to visit the Monets (and the Vermeer, and the Goyas, etc.). Had a wonderful day, beginning with a visit to the Temple of Dendur.
