Fun With Guns: Go Stand In The Corner Edition

August 29, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Arkansas Sen. Jeremy Hutchinson, a Republican, favors arming teachers to protect schools.  And probably teachers, too, except that part’s not real clear.

Arkansas Sen. Jeremy Hutchinson (R) recently participated in “active shooter” training and mistakenly shot a teacher who was confronting a so-called bad guy. The experience gave Hutchinson “some pause” but failed to shake his confidence in the plan.

“The ideal would be to have a trained resource officer in every school,” Hutchinson told the paper. “The state and school districts can’t afford that.”

But, hell, we can afford to shoot a few teachers.  Teacher are like, what, a dime a dozen or something?

Now this is not the first time the good State Senator has had embarrassing moments.  There was the time his wife whacked him in the head with a “small preserved alligator head” when she found out he had a girlfriend he was paying out of his campaign account.  She got charged with domestic battery, which doesn’t seem right because alligator head whacking isn’t even illegal in most states.  Plus, she could have just said that she didn’t know it was loaded when she whacked.

Hutchinson says he was teaching his girlfriend proper English, like the difference between “seen” and “saw”, which, of course, is a high level of literacy in Arkansas.

The girlfriend’s sister sides with Hutchinson.

McGee said Hutchinson gave her the money to live on because she was unemployed, aside from a job on his campaign staff that she said was a sham.

McGee said her sister hates her and is “on his side.”

“The last time I saw her I beat her up really bad,” she said.

This is just my opinion, but I’m willing to bet that is most certainly the last time you saw her.

So now he’s lost his wife and he and his girlfriend are on the outs, so all he’s got left is teacher-shooting.

Let this be a cautionary tale:  if an Republican Arkansas state senator comes near you, run like you’re being chased by an alligator head.

I cannot make this stuff up.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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