Fun With Guns: Giving the Finger Edition
So we’re in Glasgow, Kentucky today.
A police officer is suing a gun store.
According to a civil lawsuit filed Friday, former Glasgow police officer Darrell Smith went into Barren Outdoors back in March and asked to see a .380 caliber handgun.
He then held the gun after receiving it from under the counter. Smith began to examine the gun and then cocked it. The gun was actually loaded and fired, shooting off part of Smith’s index finger.
The officer claims he lost his job because of the injury.
There’s a video of it at the link. The way I count it, there were 4 people downrange, one salesman at the counter, and a damn idiot holding a gun.
Something, I dunno, tells me that losing part of his index finger on his left hand when he’s obviously right handed didn’t cause him to lose his job. However, I do believe he violated the damfool city ordinance of Glasgow.
Thanks to Carl for the heads up.