Fun With Guns: Ford vs. Chevy Edition

May 02, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Silly me, I thought the Ford vs. Chevy arguments were limited to the deep south.  But, here we are in Virginia.

Please meet Mark Edwin Turner, 56 years old, who has strong feelings in the great car debate.  On Easter Sunday, right before dinner, Turner got into a  fight with his girlfriend’s son over the value of a Ford as compared to a Chevy. The results was that Turner missed Easter dinner because he was locked up in the pokey for felony malicious wounding, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, and possession of a firearm by a felon.

As the front yard argument progressed, Turner went into house and got a knife.  At that point, Turner’s girlfriend tried to get between Turner and her son Logan Bailey.  For her efforts, she got stabbed in the lower back.  Turner went back in the house and got a gun this time. His girlfriend once again tried to intervene and for her efforts, Turner shot her five time. Semi-fortunately all the shots went to her legs.

In a holiday-filled gunfire celebration, the girlfriend’s son was shot in the arm and his girlfriend was hit by two bullets that police said ricocheted.

The three victims went to the hospital, where all of them are expected to recover nicely.

The police reported that alcohol was involved.

I am sad to report that we did not hear which car each side supported, but all in all, there were no winners in Virginia that day.

Thanks to James for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Ford vs. Chevy Edition”

  1. Malarkey says:

    My home state can be so Florida sometimes.

  2. This one looks like he came from central casting of Duck Dynasty.

  3. Old Fart says:

    Time to up the penalties for a felon holding a firearm, though the knife wound indicates nothing can stop some people from harming others.

    Why didn’t the kid back the freak off…

  4. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Old Fart – “Alcohol was involved.”

  5. Opinionated Hussy says:

    And have y’all noticed that these kids of arguments never begin over Subarus?

  6. Good Lord! This guy could get a girlfriend?!

    I kinda hope the son has not yet re-produced and does not do so. Or, if he does, that he and his off spring stay in Virginia.

  7. Sarah O says:

    Yeah… proud to have that nonsense living up the road. Local news showed a vehicle got the back window shot out in the fuss. Not sure if it was the Chevy or the Ford.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Guns, alcohol, and an idiot with a moron to discuss the merits of the 30+ year old Chevy vs the 30+ year old Ford reeks of ingratitude and ignorance. Both too st00pid to appreciate the mechanic who keeps those old cars running, when dog knows both would never be able to raise the hood, much less find a metric crescent wrench.

  9. easttxdem says:

    Honey, I grew up in Virginia and it is Deep South.

    I’m assuming that Turner’s girlfriend won’t be inviting him to dinner any more.

  10. montag says:

    This just illuminates why the passing of Studebaker was such a tragedy.

  11. maggie says:

    Cars, hell, no! It really wasn’t one car is better than the other. It was about their damn winkies! The cars were just stand-ins!
