Fun With Guns: Drive By Self-Shooting Edition

May 12, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so in Jerome, Idaho, police thought they had themselves a drive-by shooting incident when people called them with a 1:23 am gunfire incident in the parking lot of the Jerome County Judicial Annex parking lot.

Come to find out —-

Soon, the Idaho State Police notified the Jerome authorities they had stopped the vehicle along Washington Street in Twin Falls.

When Jerome police arrived in Twin Falls, they soon discovered the person in the vehicle who was actually the victim and had a gunshot wound to the leg.

Hall said it’s believed the victim had accidentally discharged the gun when he was attempting to put it away.

What the perp/victim didn’t explain is why he was playing with his gun in the Jerome County Judicial Annex parking lot at 2:23 am.  Or, maybe he did and the newspaper wanted to spare us the gross details.


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