Fun With Guns: Do You Want Fries With That Edition

February 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This morning at 3:00 am, while you were all snuggled in bed, a 29 year old woman in Grand Rapids, Michigan, was settling the score.

220px-Mcdonalds-90s-logo.svgYesterday evening, she went to McDonalds and placed an order at the window.  As is required by law in most states, the order got messed up and she got some scrumptious gourmet items that she hadn’t ordered.

She complained, rightly so, and McDonalds promised her a free meal the next time she visited their fine dining establishment.  And that’s when the fun began.

Hours later, the women returned to the same McDonald’s location, placed the same order, and again received an incorrectly prepared burger.

This time, the passenger began a verbal confrontation with the employee and exited the vehicle to yell and shoot one pistol round into the window of the restaurant. No one was injured as a result.

And how did they get caught?

… the women had left a phone number at the restaurant at the time of the first incorrect burger so they could be contacted about the mistake and the promised free meal.


Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Do You Want Fries With That Edition”

  1. Who goes to McDonald’s at 3 in the morning?
    armed? In Michigan winter? This rootin tootin cowgal has some ‘splainin’ to do.

  2. Maryelle, it might be that in Grand Rapids it is the only place open. I remember what a huge big deal it was when Round Rock, TX got a Denny’s around 20 years ago. For the first time, there was something local, other than fast food, available to eat late at night. The next nearest place was about 15 miles away. As such, it was also a very nice restaurant, not a greasy spoon.

    But back to the lady: getting the wrong food is aggravating and can be dangerous to the health if there are food allergies involved. For them to screw it up the second time, especially if she had let them know about the first one when ordering, is poor management. I can understand why she got frustrated.

    However, getting so furious that one gets out of one’s car and/or pulls a firearm is beyond the realm of good sense. When I was young, I remember my mother always checking the burgers before leaving the drive-through to be sure they were correct. That’s a much better precaution than waving a gun.

  3. There’s nothing like ordering a Wha… err, burger cut the pickles and onions and getting home with a burger with pickles and onions only!

    But I wouldn’t call that a shooting offense.

  4. 1toughlady says:

    Genius people all around, clearly. It’s just blind luck that none of them are in line for a Darwin Award this year.

  5. I don’t care if she is only 29, I would bet you ten to one that some smug eejit will blame on menopause.

    And Darwin Daw is on Feb. 21 this year.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Drive by, Drive Thru, all the same to these constitutional 2nd Amendment gohmerts.

  7. Even Aggravated Onion-ing isn’t yet a felony in Texas. She couldn’t stand her ground against this outrage.

    Probably adult beverages and/or illegal pharmaceuticals were involved.

  8. Was she “standing her ground” with a black or brown McDonalds employee?

  9. I almost said, “Serves her right for eating that crap,” but I thought better of it. It may, indeed, have been the only place open at that hour.
