Fun With Guns: Details, I Want Details! Edition

January 09, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Hell, it’s Nebraska.  It’s lonely in Nebraska.


Okay, so it took me a while to figure out whether they were arguing over who owned this particular Bible or cranky with each other over something written in this Bible.  And, the story doesn’t answer that definitively.  However, I think they were arguing over holy scripture.

A Lincoln man remained in jail Monday after police say he shot his neighbor twice following an argument over the Bible Friday night.

Jimmy Livingston, 60, shot 30-year-old Andrew Pickering in the shoulder and hip in the incident at an apartment building at 741 Sumner Street, according to an affidavit for Livingston’s arrest.

So, best we can ascertain, Jimmy was riled up as hell and pulled a handgun on Andrew. Andrew, who appears to have a few IQ points on Jimmy, took that as a indication that he should go home. So, he did.

Jimmy stood outside Andrew’s door and fired his 9mm Smith and Wesson into Andrew’s apartment. Andrew was shot in the hip and the shoulder and taken to the hospital with non life threatening holes in his body.

The story gives no indication over the nature of the argument or where the Bible is now.  Which is a damn shame.  Because I want to know.

Thanks to Ron for the heads up.

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