Fun With Guns, Creepy Edition

May 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s in Tennessee.

Kevin Sayre, who is 26 years old, was field stripping his two Glock pistols – because you can’t eat just one – in his apartment and accidentally shot his 13 month old daughter through the chest.

The baby was flown to a children’s hospital and is expected to survive. She is in critical but stable condition. The bullet traveled through the child’s chest and through a recliner before coming to rest in a diaper bag, a neighbor told WSMV.

Kevin Sayre, the new face of the NRA.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns, Creepy Edition”

  1. Cheryl Ann says:

    Some woman slept with this guy?? Unbelievable.

  2. I hope CPS gets involved and takes a real close at this child’s home life. Some people should not have kids; this guy is a perfect example of someone who should be sterilized.

  3. W C Peterson says:

    The face of idiocy. I’ll bet he doesn’t have health insurance, either, so the costs of caring for his daughter will end up being absorbed by the rest of us.

  4. Cindy D. says:

    I hope his eyes are bloodshot due to the multitude of tears he’s cried since shooting his baby. However, there might be other reasons for the ole “red eye.”

  5. Kay Carrasco says:

    Can we shoot *him* in the chest? Can we, can we? I’d really rather shoot him in the middle of his forehead, but I’m afraid there’s a much smaller chance of hitting something vital there….

  6. CPS needs to get involved, and put this child in a home that’s safe from guns.
    This makes me sick.

  7. maryelle says:

    With the amount of time obviously spent decorating himself with tattoos and jewelry, how could he be expected to waste time thinking about his baby? We’re talking low end of the spectrum here and these are the very people who crave guns above all else.

  8. Cue the NRA goons that say Baby Sayre should have had a gun to stop the bad father with the gun…

  9. daChipster says:

    The only thing that stops an idiot with a gun is Darwin.

  10. Pardon me, BS delicate ears, but “oh crap” – heard it on the radio yesterday, had not seen the moron yet. It is hard to be a Texan living in Tennessee – double whammy – yeah, makes you proud-criminy

  11. No worries about HC – the moron undoubtedly has his kid on TennCare – medicaid for the rest of America – so we get to pay for it – when law enforcers start charging idiots with guns for attempted child murder or something, maybe they will quit – and YEAH, Tennessee is #1 in Meth and #1 in RX drug abuse~less than 50% graduate high school, but they do love them some guns~

  12. scottybeamer says:

    We’re probably lucky they didn’t show a pic of the mom. Hopefully they will place that child in a safe environment. I’m sure the NRA is quite proud of him.

  13. I think his shot at Father of the Year has vanished. No pun intended.

  14. Rubymay says:

    My bet is that this, too, will be labeled just another “unfortunate accident,” nothing will be done, and the poor child will be returned to the “parents.” Gun control?!?
    Why do we need gun control?!? Sheesh!

  15. And queue the NRA goon squad who’ll mop up the blood, bring in the fans to blow away any smoke from a gun and erase any other evidence so they can continue to claim that there is nothing wrong with a household owning a gun.

    Besides doing nothing more than making gun manufacturers rich and providing thieves more ammunition to rob other people with, not to mention creating a culture of radical government haters that they claim are liberals instead of gun toting conservatives, guns can and should be called kid killers to boot.

    That’s right, anyone with a gun and a will to shoot another person are ALL bad guys. Every supposed responsible gun-owner is a mass shooter in waiting.

    And I’m sure this punk is also one of those Obamacare haters because he doesn’t pay for insurance and don’t want to. He’d rather have the rest of us pay for his care while he skips out on the bill and then acts like all the other conservatives who make excuses to hate everything sociable and progressive.

  16. I Kinda surmise he passed thru the Big House on his way to fatherhood..

  17. I’m speechless.

  18. Oh Jeez… He has at least one child. I am so befuddled by how this could happen in his life that I can’t go forward with a coherent rant about how expensive Glocks are.

  19. I’m starting to think that being a wholly-owned subsidiary of the gun manufacturers is the only reason the NRA doesn’t want some sort of testing for gun buyers, if only to make sure they know not to CLEAN A LOADED GUN….

    Honestly, these morons make every gun owner look stupid.

  20. Jaysus, Mary, and Joseph.

    Looks like the bullet first passed clean through one ear and out the other of this Tennessee “Irish” spud.

    I pity the baby girl- not only because he shot her, but because she’s carrying his genes…

  21. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    Yep, right there is your well-regulated militiaman. That’s why everyone has the right to have a gun for shooting something.

    I wouldn’t bet the rent money that the baby girl is carrying his genes. Some male’s, of course, but I don’t think it’s absolutely certain whose, without a DNA test.

  22. It is not true that every person who wants a gun is qualified to own a gun.

    It is also not true that “Every supposed responsible gun-owner is a mass shooter in waiting.”
