Fun With Guns: Christmas Eve Edition

December 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

(I know a took a few days off, but it’s catch-up time now.)

During the armed robbery of a cellphone store in beautiful downtown Chicago

Like the cell phone store owner who, defending himself from an armed robber, sprang into action to put a bullet in the chest of an innocent 27-year-old man at the bus stop across the street, and another through the wall of the apartment of a nearby family of five (and into their TV set).

Luckily, everybody escaped without deadly injury, including … the robber, who “left the scene, unharmed.”

I do not know where the good guy with a gun was or the well-organized militia.

Neither were in Baton Rouge either.  In the category of Grandma Always Like You Better …

An 18-year-old man accidentally shot his 16-year-old cousin in the torso Wednesday evening on Jefferson Avenue near Plank Road.

Corie Burge, who lives in the 2300 block of Jefferson Avenue, and his cousin were playing with the firearm inside a house when the gun went off, Baton Rouge Police spokesperson Cpl. Don Coppola said.

The victim was taken to a local hospital, where he is expected to survive, Coppola said.

Or in Denver.  This happened on Christmas morning.  Guess what she got for Christmas?

An early Christmas morning shooting in Denver appears to have been self-inflicted and accidental, according to a Denver Police Department spokesperson.

The shooting victim, a woman, was taken to Denver Health via private vehicle, according to Denver Police Department spokesperson Sonny Jackson.

Y’all, I can’t take any more days off.  People just start shooting each other.


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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Christmas Eve Edition”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The Ready, Fire, Aim gang rides again.

    “Accident” is that the new urban slang for too st00pid to own a weapon?

  2. Imagine if the second amendment mentioned grenades, and there were a National Grenade Association telling us that the only thing stopping a bad guy with a grenade is a good guy with a grenade….

  3. WA Skeptic says:

    It is my fervent hope that these idiots are charged with “Assault With A Deadly Weapon” as well as “Attempted Homicide”. There is no reason for the stupidity being unleashed on innocent people by these fools.

    No Excuses Anymore.

  4. And today’s special is…………DUCK !!!!!

  5. WA Skeptic, I’d be content with a lesser charge as long as it came with a prohibition on ever owning a firearm again, and a way to check that as often as necessary. If you can’t play with it right, you can’t play with it at all.

  6. She got a gun for Christmas and she shot herownself!
    Do the words dangerous weapon mean anything to you?
    Apparently not. There’s your war on Christmas.

  7. WA Skeptic says:

    I totally agree with the lifetime prohibition, but there needs to be SOME legal punishment against these fools.

    “Assault and Battery with a Deadly Weapon” should be the least of the charges.

  8. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    It drives me crazy that the people who should be held responsible are not. Make a law (over the dead body of the NRA) to charge the owner of the gun if anyone is injured or killed by that gun.

  9. Nothing celebrates either the birth of Christ or the ancient winter festival like a sucking chest wound. Welcome to 2A-‘merika!

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    Well… I’ve been saying it for some time; there’s a big difference between gun ownership and gun use. The first is a Constitutional right. The second is not. We all need to realize that and get loud about it.

  11. JAKvirginia, I agree. as they keep telling us, guns don’t kill people. It’s only when people pick them up (or dogs step on them) that they kill people. So you can own as many as you want so long as nobody ever touches them.

  12. Linda Phipps says:

    OK, it might have been a nice idea, to give her a gun for Christmas, but was it pre-loaded? “Thanks, Billy-Bob,just what I always wanted …are there bullets in here already? Let me look …”

  13. Marcia in CO says:

    Doesn’t seem to matter if dear JJ is taking a short vacation or not … fools are gonna shoot themselves and others whether she is at her station or not!!

  14. Apparently happened while the owner was on the street closing up his shop. Took a bit of digging for the original story because the Daily Kos didn’t provide a link. The victims were surprisingly stoic, possibly because it happened in a tough neighborhood.

  15. My late bro-in-law Moose got to the point where he gave up hunting inasmuch as the woods were more full of idiots than wildlife. He kept two decommissioned long guns and had names for them:Stupid and Useless. If he really, really needed to use them he would just slip the pin back in. My husband came from the Deep South where the birthday of the Prince of Peace was celebrated by firing off all sorts of weapons into the sky. I think they thought God would grab the bullets before they curved back to earth and killed somebody. And for the 2-A,ers, yes, I’m a damn good shot with a rifle at long range but I have never had the anxiety to own one.

  16. TrulyTexan says:

    The second commandment says the right to bear arms, not guns. Based on what was globally called the arms race, and argument could be made that any weapon is covered.
    I want my constitutionally guaranteed nuclear weapon! There’s some kids on my lawn and I want them gone.
    If only we put the same effort into protecting our country from local fanatics as we do the ones that can’t get to us from other countries.

  17. Y’know this 2A stuff drives me crazy. Crazy I say.

    @TrulyTexan gets to the heart of the argument by parodying the phrase every ammosexual masturbates to, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Yeppo framers wrote that awright. AT A TIME WHEN MUZZLE LOADED FLINT ignited was the bfd in long guns. 20+ years before the integrated metal cartridge saw successful use. Framers wrote that at a time when the new country might not have thought much about a standing Army. So national defense did consist of every able bodied male grabbing a long gun and heading to a muster point to await further orders from national authority. Woah dude times have changed. The integrated metal cartridge rules! Engineers have figured out ways to stack dozens to hundreds in a convenient carrying case which itself conveniently attaches to the long gun. Imagine a 1789 militia marksman with a flintlock muzzleloader standing up against a combat ready Marine armed with an M4. How long for the Marine to fire 200 rounds? How long for the 1789 militiaman?
    Comparative accuracy? Distance apart at engagement? C’mon even if you were educated in a fundy church “school” deep in Al Abama you can figure this out. The framers never anticipated technological advances in metals and ammunition. If they had they might have limited militiamen to long guns. Or if they could have imagined a million head standing professional military maybe they would not have written the second amendment at all, because in 50ish years, it would become unnecessary, in the main, for national defense.

  18. 17@MICR … the founders — of the slaveholding states — also knew that if the federal gov’t took over the military functions of the country and regulated firearms, then the federal gov’t could, de facto, take slave patrols and slavery away from them.

    As originally envisaged, the Bill of Rights lists things the FEDERAL government was forbidden to do. The judiciary eventually extended those rights to individuals, forbidding the states to infringe on them as well. The second amendment has always been problematic in those readings.

    Should Alabama have the bomb?

  19. @eyesoars

    Frankly no, al Abama should not imho have the bomb. Course I’m against them having O2 as well, so it’s just me….

  20. Another good guy cleaning his gun:

    Jim Wright (Stonekettle Station) has some trenchant commentary on FB.
