Fun With Guns: Bulletproof Edition

May 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Macho, macho man.

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Yes, indeed.

There’s a whole mess of stoopid in South Carolina but these two seem to be hogging more than their fair share.


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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Bulletproof Edition”

  1. daChipster says:

    Turns out that the number 1 cause of death among people who don’t believe in Darwinism is Darwinism.

    And the most popular model of headstone in SC comes pre-etched with the last words: “Hold my beer and watch this!”

  2. So help me she looks stoned! Arrested, cuffed, fingerprinted, jump suited and still stoned! I can just hear the defense attorney at the trial: My client does not remember a thing that happened that night. She was totally out of it.

    Well, see, that only makes her totally in it.

  3. donquijoterocket says:

    @ Da Chipster- both of these folks would seem to be in the running for first place in the annual Darwin awards only I don’t know if they award the prize posthumously although that status more than qualifies them for the award. Which makes it the case that only one is now hogging an extra measure of stoopid. The other no longer cares or matters.

  4. Marge Wood says:


  5. I don’t think she is stoned – I think that is just the expression of stupid.

  6. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I sometimes find myself asking how a person that stupid can live that long.

    I don’t have to ask that about Blake Wardell anymore.

  7. There’s stoned and then there’s STOOPID. This episode falls into the latter category.

  8. “Deputies said they found no evidence of heavy alcohol or drug use.”

    Maybe that’s her usual expression. I’m betting it was his.

  9. maryelle says:

    That there is your “slack-jaw” look.
    Another refugee from Deliverance.
    God help those morons and save them from themselves.

  10. There are a few grade school teachers reading their morning paper, recognizing one (or two) of their former pupils on the front page, and only surprised that it didn’t happen sooner.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    8 to 10 people just standing around after 2 in the morning and one is shot and killed and no one was drinking or drugged? Have I got stoopid written all over my face?

  12. Rubymay says:

    e platypus onion — yeah, that kinda makes me curious, too. Perhaps some actual lab tests would have been in order.

  13. Lyntilla says:

    I think the key phrase is HEAVY drug or alcohol use. Meaning that they were just regular drunk and stoned, not exceptionally, “heavy” drunk or stoned.

  14. It’s only going to get worse.

  15. Please just tell me that the gun is okay. (Obviously the vest is since she missed it.)

  16. Aggieland liz says:

    I wonder what I would look like after crying for 2 hours because I got involved in something I knew was dumb and wound up killing a friend of mine in the process? She looks huddled up, miserable, and in shock to me. Nobody here ever succumbed to peer pressure? I can almost hear it. Poor little thing.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    There is a reason the experts tell people not to try dangerous stunts at home. It escapes me at the moment,but I’m sure I will remember what it was. As for the question of heavy drug or alcohol use,sober people do not do dumb things like this. A sober person(s) would have put the vest against a wall and fired a shot into it,just to err on the side of caution.But that is just my humble opinion. From memory,a person with a full jag on would have been snoring through the whole episode.

  18. Aggieland liz says:

    Being drunk or stoned just makes it easier and more likely for people to do idiotic things. Group occasions don’t always require lubrication. 16-25 year olds lack judgement; ask your insurance agent, car insurance premiums are high for the whole age group and higher for men. Mr Wadell is not the first young man I’ve ever read of to find out that he wasn’t bulletproof after all!

  19. That Other Jean says:

    Ten people, and nobody suggested that testing out a bulletproof vest by shooting at it while it was being worn by an actual person was a stupid idea forcefully enough to stop it? I understand peer pressure, sort of, but DAMN.

  20. Aggieland liz says:

    I didn’t say ANY of them had any sense for FSMs sake! But the tone if the comments was amazingly unkind and I don’t like it when *we* act like that! And that girl is charged with involuntary manslaughter; what about all those other twits? All of them were old enough to know better and they shot at him too!

    I’m saving my scorn and my anger for Wayne LaPierre and irresponsible a-hats like Coburn and his ilk who are also bought and paid for-lock stock n barrel!-by the NRA and other pro gun nuts. They are the bad guys here!! Good sense has no chance against their jicked up paranoia!
