Fun With Guns: Bozos and Marines

June 01, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So some of these folks who walk around town in Texas carrying assault rifles decided that harassing a marine for speaking out against them might be fun.

(Momma, don’t watch this because there’s bad language.)


These gun freaks say “we’re just out here demonstrating our rights.”  Oddly, they don’t feel the necessity to demonstrate any of their other rights.  Just this one.

You know, I have a right to carry a fully operational chain saw into a movie theater but that doesn’t mean that people are going to feel comfortable around me.  Or that it’s serving any purpose whatsoever except to show off my chainsaw and to be weird.  I mean, it’s not likely that there’s going to be any oddly placed brush for me to clear the path for the citizenry at the movie theater.  It’s also highly unlikely that any unsuspect

Here’s something to ponder.  In Texas, we have illegal knives —

The definition of an Illegal Knife in Sec. 46.01(6)(C) still includes “dagger, including but not limited to dirk, stilletto and poniard.” That has not changed. None of these type knives, dagger, etc., are defined in Texas law, but based on case law generally you should assume that a “dagger” covers any double-edged blade. This would include automatic knives with double-edged blades.

— but not guns.  You can carry an automatic gun but you can’t carry an automatic knife.

What the hell is with that?

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