Fun With Guns: Because Ka-Pow! Edition

July 28, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so in Cleveland last March a police office shot and killed an 18 year old unarmed man who had just burglarized a convenience store.  While the case is being investigated, Officer Alan Buford is assigned to desk duty and not allowed to work any extra security jobs on the side.

His fellow officer felt sorry for him so they decided to do a fundraiser and have a raffle to raise money for him.  The raffle part is where I have a problem.




They are raffling a Glock 26, which is the same size most officers in the department use, and could have been the same kind of gun used to kill the 18 year old.

The police association said they didn’t find this distasteful in the least. “That is what we do. We take care of each other when nobody else does,” said an association representative.

This is not Officer Buford’s first brush with the law.

Buford was arrested in 2010 and charged with felony hit-and-run after police said he drove away from the scene of an accident. He eventually pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges and was allowed to return to work.

Yeah, I guess they do take care of each other.

Thanks to chloe bear for the heads up.


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