Fun With Guns: And Next Week He’ll Let The Boy Enjoy Sex and Booze At Home

September 02, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

What a better way to enjoy guns than to let your 7 year old have target practice in the backyard on a damn homemade target!

Despite the fact that no one noticed any ricochets and the guns were always pointed down-range, the 7-year-old at one point grabbed his chest and complained of pain, deputies said.

The boy’s father checked the son and noticed the child’s T-shirt had a small hole in it, where he was bleeding from his chest.

A preliminary investigation shows pieces of a bullet did indeed ricochet, hitting the child, investigators told KCRA 3.

The child will be okay but will probably never forget the time Dad didn’t understand how guns work.


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