Fun With Funs: The “Better Headline: Red Hot Momma Had It Coming” Edition

December 15, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And speaking of South Dakota

A mom was accidentally shot in the leg trying to take a loaded revolver away from her toddler on Thursday, according to Rapid City police.

The 22-year-old mother discovered her 23-month-old son playing with an unsecured revolver around 9 p.m. in a home on East Custer Street, according to police spokeswoman Tarah Heupel.

Two shots were fired from the gun when she attempted to take the weapon. One bullet hit her in the leg. She was taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

Hey, I can understand one shot, but I think the second shot was just spiteful and deserves an extra 10 minutes in the timeout corner.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Funs: The “Better Headline: Red Hot Momma Had It Coming” Edition”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Heard this morning on the Melissa Harris Perry show, quote and point of the day from poetess Yolande Cornelia “Nikki” Giovanni: “There’s nothing in the Second Amendment that says every fool has to have a gun.”

    Toddler and gun on table would qualify for a fool gun owner.

    Two at not quite two. She might want to think about securing that gun before the kid turns six.

  2. Well, according to the NRA, there should be no discrimination against those younger than 21 who wish to possess a firearm. I wonder if they will come to the defense of this two year old.

  3. The first shot was totally accidental. The second shot was deliberately for mamma. I think the wee tot was pissed that his own mamma set him up to fail!

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Smart kid, he only fired a warning shot. She only suffered a flesh wound, so maybe prosecution will go light on the kid. It was South Dakota, not Texas, after all.

    Fun with Guns is similar to the old slip on the banana peel, but without the laughs. OK maybe a few, when the injured party is richly deserving and the injury minor. Quick sigh of relief, after realizing no one has been seriously injured.

    Assuming that ‘Mom” was the registered owner and not the toddler. Hey, it was SD not TX. We can hope that it will be Mommy Dearest who is prosecuted for child endangerment.

    The wife and I don’t have kids yet, but we have enough nieces and nephews to know how quick and slippery toddlers can be. When the quick critters visit, not only are the gun and ammunition separated & secured, the firing pin is relocated to a third secure location. We do not underestimate the curiosity of children.

    But seriously, how many IQ points does it take to realize that both gun & kids and guns & alcohol make for bad outcomes? Dick Cheney, Duck Hunting, alcohol …. never mind.

  5. Oh,
    There are just sooo many aspects of this story that are wrong. At least no one died.

  6. Naw, double tap The kid’s just well trained.

  7. And a loaded unsecured gun was in the house with a child because…?

    And a loaded unsecured gun was in the house with ANYONE because…?

  8. Don in Huaco says:

    Hello Darwin awards.

  9. Julia Bosco says:

    Why was a 2 year old even up and running around at 9 pm? I had a 9:15 bedtime when I was 12!

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Thankful the weapon of choice wasn’t a semi-auto AR or M-16 for fast follow-up shots on fleeing varmints-you know-like mommies. The first shot fired was probably just getting moms haunch zeroed in for the precise placement of the follow up to put her down. South Dakota is a blood red state for a reason,I guess. On the other hand,they do say when faced with seriously deadly big game-aim for the shoulders and break the animal down so it can’t run away and can’t spank you. Not sure if kid watched Tracks Across Africa or Self-Defense tv.

  11. It’s a bad right-wing Mom who doesn’t teach her kids to aim better.

  12. One more moron who has reproduced.
