Fun to Watch

November 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

One of my favorite things to do is watch Sarah Palin argue with herself.  CBS News asked Palin if she was to blame for the Republican ticket losing in 2008.

2010-03-26-SARAHPALINMOTORCYCLEJACK“Well, it takes a team to win, so it takes a team to lose. I was part of a team that came in second outta two. So, yes, yeah, I mean, semantics, okay, words matter. You either win or you lose. We lost. That makes you not a winner. At that time.”

I’m a woman, yeah, who watched.  Watched you run for veep. Clocks matter. I mean, I watched in real time.  You either watch or you don’t watch. I watch. Except when I don’t. A watch can also go on your arm. It’s time.

She says she’s willing to run for office again. That’s good because I’m ready to vote against her. So, you could say we’re on the same page.


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0 Comments to “Fun to Watch”

  1. charles r. phillips says:

    When I watch, I watch. When I don’t, I don’t. It’s a team effort, so yeah, if the team watches, it’s watched.

    Or not.

    Word salad, I love it.

  2. Sparklemoose never fails to blither.

  3. Salad Palin is not worth the time nor energy for comment.
    There, I just wasted that time and energy. Nuts!

  4. Sarah Palin has achieved Peak Stupidity. Not only a loser. An idiot.

  5. TruelyTexan says:

    Has anyone checked her water supply for contaminants? Maybe lead or mercury? I can’t believe that kind of stupid is natural. Otherwise she would have drowned in the shower looking up a long time ago.

  6. Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh.
    Stomachache. Too much word salad.

  7. My favorite part of that interview was where she said Bristol gets 2, 3, 4, and 5 chances (concerning the new baby-out-of-wedlock-while preaching-abstinence-and-collecting -money for-it). Of course, this doesn’t apply to other people.

  8. Reminds me of an old joke about USA-Russia dual track meet. “Russia came in second, but USA finished next to last”.

  9. Yeah, words matter. Too bad she can’t string two together to make a coherent sentence.

  10. I met someone yesterday who said he used to live in Wasilla. I managed not to laugh or make a snarky comment.

  11. I’m willing to run too, in the Olympics. But since I’m in my 60’s I guess I’d have just about as much chance of winning as Sarah would in whatever it is she might be willing to run at or towards or most likely into.

  12. That made my head hurt.

  13. Not so much word salad as word hamburger.

  14. Psycho Barbie, Try again, I promise I’ll listen this time. Sorry, sorry, I really was planning to listen that time but basically, uh, I didn’t.

  15. AKLynne, you actually met an actual real Son of Wasilla? Did by any chance look like Thor?

  16. She has a bachelor’s degree in communications with an emphasis on journalism. Sadly, nothing she encountered in any of the five colleges she attended while getting this degree seems to have had a lasting impact on her ability to communicate or to identify and report facts. One can only pity her professors and schools, to have their most famous graduate be such a regrettable advertisement for their program. It’s as if you had Bernie Madoff walking around with a masters in business ethics from your school.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    According to Wonkette,Snowdrift Snookie blames god for Pistol’s pregnancy. She says god gives second,third, fourth,and fifth chances. I told my kids they were entitled to make a mistake,but weren’t entitled to repeat said mistake.

    As for contaminated water,I heard that Palin’s sewer empties into Lake Loose Seal.

  18. Marge Wood says:

    Bless her heart. This is just an ad saying, “Hey, honey, I’m availabbllle….”

  19. Truly Texan, The lake that Palin lives on, Lake Lucille is a mess, and I imagine the Palin family has contributed to it. From Wikipedia

    “Lake Lucille is basically a dead lake — it can’t support a fish population” according to Michelle Church, a local environmentalist.[2] State environmental officials say that leaching sewer lines and fertilizer runoff caused an explosion of plant growth in the lake, which sucked the oxygen out of the water and led to periodic fish kills.[2]

  20. JAKvirginia says:


    My god, some of you scare me. You’ve got the Sarah argle-bargle down pat! Please… stop that.

  21. TruelyTexan says:

    Thank you, now it makes some sense.

  22. Sarah who?
