Fun Things To Do When It Floods

May 28, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Odds are a tad better than average that my small town is gonna flood this weekend from the rising Brazos River.  So, I’ve spent this morning gathering together important papers and some family heirlooms and putting them in the back of my car in laundry baskets.  Bubba’s office is an old house pretty close to The River so he’s packing stuff up and backing up all the computers.

Yeah, it’s just awful but it’s just stuff so neither of us is freaking out.  There’s plenty of stuff.  Our neighbors, all Republicans, are.

We are trying to decide if they are freaking out over their stuff or the idea that they might have to take help from President Obama.  So, I sent an email to the White House and offered the President our front porch for his announcement of aid to Texas.  I’ll buy streamers, hire a band, and everything.

I’ll let y’all know how it goes.  Don’t fret.  We’ll be fine.

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