Fun and Profit with SuperPACs

September 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen found us a new one.

Bishop Anthony A. Allen of Texas City, Texas, has himself a SuperPAC called “America We Can Do This.”

Now before you go all church and state on me, listen up about Bishop Allen.

Bishop Anthony A. Allen is an apostolic leader who also serves the community at large as a businessman, entrepreneur, investor, author, and entertainer. He is the founder and president of Anthony Allen Ministries, a ministry called to serve the urban community.

So basically, he’s the Texas version of Donald Trump now that he’s entered politics.  He’s 45 years old, has voted in every election since at least 2010 but has never voted in either party’s primary.

The Bishop’s church is located in a strip center in LaMarque, Texas, which isn’t exactly urban in any sense of the word, and his house is listed as the “Home Office” of his church.  Cute, huh?

His church is pure prosperity gospel – you give to the church and God gives back ten fold.

The one scam he didn’t have is a SuperPAC.  So, check that off the list.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun and Profit with SuperPACs”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    Ever notice that prosperity gospellists never correctly spell profits? Must be intentional.

  2. John Oliver did a riff on prosperity churches for a couple of weeks. He asked people to send him their seeds. Some did that literally. Some did that really rudely.

    Oliver is on HBO, but if you can somehow get access to his shows, use it! He is as funny as Jon Stewart and has more freedom of expression on HBO. He’s doing some serious investigative journalism in the form of scathing humor.

  3. On that website you linked: “We must put people into office who are not afraid to stand up for righteousness, and walk in the authority given to them by God.”

    I want a written document signed by God that these grifters were given authority. Although it doesn’t absolve them of personal responsibility even though they state to let God deal with the consequences.
    Also I want to point out that even if they were given “authority”, I don’t have to recognize it.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    glf: All they want is to play Old Testament God and punish others. They are biblical sadists. The Bible is their 50 Shades of Grey. Scary.

  5. “America We Can Do This.”*

    * Fine Print: America, we may also use your money to do “That & the Other Thing” as well.

  6. LynnN, I watch John Oliver on HBO, and for some reason (I don’t remember signing up), I get an email every week telling me what his topic is. Lost about 2 hours yesterday just letting John roll from one topic to another. My thirty-something son says he’s the next Jon Stewart, only maybe even better!

  7. John Oliver’s Church was called Our Lady of the Perpetual Exemption. He’s called it off due to the nature of certain unsanitary donations. Maybe those same folks could start sending them to Anthony Allen Ministries. Such a deserving fellow.

  8. Since he isn’t reading the Constitution, I think the IRS should be contacting him about rescinding his tax-free status because he is being very political.

    Naughty naughty, Rev. Allen.

  9. Does that make his house tax exempt for property tax?
