Full Page Ad

October 14, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A constituent of Senator Susan Collins took out a full page ad in her home newspaper.  It was kinda stunning.


That will stay in my head for a long time. Thank you, Erik Mercer.


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0 Comments to “Full Page Ad”

  1. Collins is supposed to be working for the interests of her constituents. All of them. Props for listening to someone who disagrees with her stances, but disagreement isn’t necessarily rudeness. Completely blowing off the concerns of everyone else, now that’s rude.

    If she is so concerned about the lack of civility, she should do something about the BLOATUS who refuses to listen to advisors, allies, and the majority of the people while he trashes our nation’s reputation and policies…

  2. I bet She wouldn’t have considered it rude if a campaign contribution was included in the talk.

  3. Its pretty much public knowledge that Collins is on very shaky re-eelction ground and she knows it. Hence, the great Clam Shell act.,

  4. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Mr. Mercer is lucky that Senator Collins only considers dissent to be “rude.” The “president” she occasionally criticizes but never votes against calls it “treason.”

  5. Linda Phipps says:

    Here’s a clue, Susie Q … don’t tease people about how you are not going to support this or that, but then get “troubled” and follow the party line. THAT is what is not polite. Just shut the heck up.

  6. Heretic here. Whenever you hear only one side of a disagreement, the other side always looks worse. And parachuting awkwardly into someone’s schedule might not be the best way to start a dialog.

    That said, I hope that war-chest raised against her Kavanaugh support is more than a publicity stunt.

  7. Collins and her stable mate for so long, olympia Snow, have been among the most successful in hiding their hard right allegiances from the public while engaging in a kabuki of being “moderates”.
    Voting records show slavish devotion to whack job legislative initiatives and unrelenting support for far right demagogues while lecturing others to be more “polite”.
    She is undeserving of any respect or courtesy, except for perhaps for their ability of being successful “con” artists.
    She supports demented donnie and his entire agenda.
    She supported moscow mitches theft of judicial positions.
    She supported endless investigations of the Obama admin.
    She supported the twits agenda of war, violence and death just about to the end.
    No sympathy. No mercy. Just a firm flush of the electoral actions and total dismissal after she is flushed. let her be satisfied with her wing nut welfare and being shunned by civil society as representing the worst of the country.

  8. I love, love, love this!
