Frying Pan, Meet Fire

September 28, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

All manner of knuckle-draggers want be the next Speaker of the House.  Where is Dennis Hastert now that you really need him?  Oh, yeah, never mind.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy, who is quietly locking down support to be the next House speaker, is privately assuring Republicans he’ll take a tougher stand against the White House — and also the Senate GOP leadership, according to people familiar with the talks.

Oh yeah, it can get worse.  Even their “moderate candidate” wants blood on the floor.

220px-Pete_SessionAnother funny name I saw mentioned is Pistol Pete Sessions from Texas.  Oh Holy Crap. The guy is also known as Captain Stupid.  But there’s also the possibility that he’ll be a hairdresser’s dream.

Best Pete Sessions?

Just hours after federal agents charged banker Allen Stanford with fleecing investors of $7 billion, the disgraced financier received a message from one of Congress’ most powerful members, Pete Sessions.

“I love you and believe in you,” said the e-mail sent on Feb. 17. “If you want my ear/voice — e-mail,” it said, signed “Pete.”

He’s a crate of crazy, Honey.

Oh yeah, pick him!  Pick him!


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0 Comments to “Frying Pan, Meet Fire”

  1. I really think most of our TX congresscritters have a contest to see which one can outstupid the other one.

  2. Speculation is that the Boehner resignation will lead to a Speaker who would do “much worse”.

    How can that be?

    The only way that more damage could be have been done to the country, under Boehner’s leadership, is if the U.S. House of Representatives had been in session more often. JMHO.

  3. That’s another one with crazy eyes.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    Let’s all hope America is watching this fiasco. It’s like a reeeaally bad reality show. From Trump’s crazy “tax plan” to Carly’s big lie about Planned Parenthood to two debates with nothing of real substance discussed and now this mess in the House. Can there possibly be a stronger display of political dysfunction by a political party anywhere?

  5. e platypus onion says:

    No wingnut ever born of woman can fix the House of Ill Repukians. They will need a secular dictator,along the lines of Saddam Hussein to fix what ails them. And to fix it,it must be destroyed and all wingnuts summarily executed with marshmallows.

  6. Executed with marshmallows? Wow! Had never though of them in terms of “Smores” before! At last! They will have had the opportunity to be of use to someone, outside the Koch Brothers et al.

    This must really be an earth shaking event. Had brunch with 4 other friends this weekend and despite the fact that every single one of them leads way interesting lives, this is all they could talk about and they find it totally cringeworthy!

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    What a ‘selection’! Teabaggers, John Birchers, crazies, crooks, st00pid, and combinations of all the aforementioned to grind an already dysfunctional House to a complete halt in sane governance and take the country to complete third world status.

    Texas, it’s time for you to kick these lunatic privileged white old men to the curb. A good start would be electing Leticia and Wendy to represent you and restore your dignity.

  8. With respect due my esteemed colleagues who have posted above, I respectfully submit that Pete Sessions would be God sent for Democrats if he were elected Speaker. His moral high ground elevates in millimeters and his leadership skills are such that could not successfully lead a line of h*rney sailors on a 6-month cruise to a Bangkok whorehouse. In addition his legislative experience is … thin. He’s perfect for the job. Install him today, before noon. Dems should then sit back and enjoy the chaotic meltdown of a once noble institution. Then, after a thorough cleaning and de-lousing, be prepared to honestly and transparently lead that institution back to at least functional mediocrity.

  9. Although an atheist, I can concede that Jesus sometimes had the right idea. I’d love to see a cleansing of the temple, complete with whip, but I know it won’t happen any time soon. What fun to see them screaming and scurrying out the doors and windows like the cockroaches they are….

  10. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I don’t see any plan here that lets the Republicans come out looking good.

    If they elect a moderate, he will be chewed up by the Suicide Caucus by the next election.

    If they elect a T (antrum) Party member he will have embarrassed the entire legislative branch by the next election.

    Then, it is also possible that they would nominate someone so heinous that some Republicans would voter for Pelosi. RIP GOP.

  11. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    Were the Republicans to be sensible, they’d probably pick Peter (not Steve) King. he’s crazy enough on a few areas — mostly Muslims — to satisfy the crazies, but has both the brains and the experience to understand the need for some cooperation with Democrats, some suppression of the Suicide Battalion.

    Fortunately, the idea of Republicans being sensible is unlikely enough that we don’t have to worry.

  12. Fred Farklestone says:

    If the Republican House vote for Speaker is split between 3 or 4 Repubs and the Dem’s hold together an vote all for one Democrat, the dems could take back the Speakership!

  13. says:

    I’d love to see Pelosi handling that gavel again! She did a great job.

    PKM, it truly is sad that Texans did not vote for sane politicians such as Wendy and Leticia. I guess they got what they deserved, but it must be hell for the regular Texans to have to live under the people voted in instead. It would totally frustrate me for sure!

    JJ, it is simply gerrymandering that screws up the vote so badly in Texas or is it the failure of people to get out and vote for the Democrats running?

  14. Is there a tougher stand against the White House? For Pete’s sakes they have already shut down the government, forced sequestration, refused to support anything Pres Obama or the Dems suggest, tried to repeal healthcare over 50 times, went over the President’s head to bring Netanyahoo to rant against the Iran nuclear deal, and sent letters to foreign heads of state undercutting negotiations. Is there really more they can do to obstruct the President’s ability to govern? Or will it just be more of the same?

  15. A crate of crazy and a boxcar of corrupt.

  16. Linda Phipps says:

    I wish y’all had a “like” button. All the comments here are “like”.

  17. Rachel Maddow did a piece Friday night about how Keven McCarthy has only passed 2 pieces of legislation since being in Congress. He got a post office re-named for Buck Owens, and he got some other building renamed for Alan Shepherd, I think it was. Some astronaut…. Both were existing structures, so there wasn’t even any appropriation of construction funds to get the bills passed. And he’s going to be 3rd in line to be President? Speaker of the House? Next guy up in leadership is that idiot Scalise, from Louisiana, who sympathizes with David Duke, and the KKK. Oh boy. Some dysfunction? Puh-leeze….
