From The Same Good Folks Who Brought Glenn Beck to Texas
We’re getting Sean Hannity but more importantly, last we heard – his hair is coming with him!
Goofy Gohmert invited Sean Hannity to be his guest at the State of the Union, which is just one click up the sanity scale from Steve Stockman inviting Ted Nugent. Still in the red danger area, though.
But, here’s the part that’ll keep me awake at night.
Turns out, Hannity may have his own political ambitions in the Lone Star state.
“The answer is yes, I’d think about it,” Hannity said when a viewer asked via Twitter about his inclination to run for office eventually. “It would either be in Texas or Florida.”
So, we have a 50/50 chance of sliding off into the Gulf of Mexico by exceeding the Dog Dump Dumb scale.
As we slide, I can hear the voice of God saying, “Oops, a little heavy on the stupid but arrogant white guys tilt.”
The upside is that you could surf in Oklahoma.
Just in case you guys are worried about me in that eventuality, I am the proud owner of one of those floating pool lounge chairs, so I’ll be okay. I’d appreciate it if you’d come out in your bass boat and bring me more Margaritas, though. I’ll be busy swatting off stupid but arrogant white guys who want a free ride on my pool chair.
Sean Damn Hannity. We’re officially a mess.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.