From the Enough Is Enough Files

May 27, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tim Farley hosts a radio show called POTUS on XM radio.  I listen every now and then because he has on guests from all political ideologies without all that damn fake debate and screaming at each other.  He’s calm, reasoned, and even handed.

Until yesterday.

A host on SiriusXM radio today cut off a guest for declaring that President Obama “is a Muslim.” On “The Morning Briefing with Tim Farley,” retired Air Force Col. Dick Brauer Jr. said, “The key thing is that, our president being a Muslim, and he is a Muslim because his father -”

retired Air Force Col. Dick Brauer Jr.

retired Air Force Col. Dick Brauer Jr.

At that point, host Farley stopped him with these words, “All right, well, we’re just going to take you right off the air now, so we don’t need that on the air because that’s ridiculous and just, we’re not going to let you put falsehoods on the air. So I appreciate your being here. But that is not something we’re going to allow to get on the air because it’s a ridiculous accusation.”

The rightwing has gone beeeeserk.  They know THE REAL REASON why Brauer was kicked off, including the “Islamization of the World”, “the truth hurts”, and “barry o’fraud” adoptive father was a communist.

My grandpa told me that you can shear a pig but you’re gonna get a lot more noise than wool.  Same deal here.  I would just like this opportunity to thank Tim Farley for not shearing the damn pig.


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