From Jail Bound to Front Row
Yesterday, I witnessed the most shocking and yet amazing transformation in political history. Donald Trump, adjudicated sexual abuser, defamer, and fraudster, convicted felon, indicted for felony espionage and election interference, admitted sexual abuser, prolific liar, and all-round shitbag was invited by the French government to sit on the front row of the reopening ceremony of Notre Dame and placed ONE SEAT AWAY from the First Lady, Jill Biden, and BETWEEN Emanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte. He dominated NBC News coverage as other world leaders normalized him by kissing his ass before and after the ceremony. He soaked up the adoration, but about an hour and a half into the Catholic service, he demonstrated his trademark attention span of a 6 year-old boy forced to sit through church on a Sunday morning. He also made a point of exercising excessive manspread, forcing Macron to sit sideways in his seat. The entire spectacle made me want to vomit.
This drama from going to jail to global spotlight has been like watching a slow motion train wreck crossed with an old episode of The Sopranos. You don’t want to see, but you can’t take your eyes away. Trump’s ever present strategy of continuous lying and denial, character assassination, childish name calling, threats to public officials, perpetual judicial appeals, and public defamation of the DOJ, FBI, District Attorneys, jurists, jurors, and all who spoke ill of him succeeded. Period. With the assist from the SCOTUS, he ran out the clock. Add to that strategy the incompetence, institutional rule following, and foot dragging by Merrick Garland, as well as said abject corruption in the SCOTUS, here we are again, facing an existential threat to US and world peace. This reinvigorated, disgusting excuse for a human being is once again in the global spotlight, inflicted on decent people the world over.
The one term we need to stop using is “guardrail”. There ARE NO guardrails. Period. All three branches of the US government have utterly failed at maintaining the rule of law. Worse, there are no laws to keep this from happening. Centuries-old rules and traditions don’t mean anything to those who don’t give a shit about rules and traditions. The courts have also bent reality to protect one individual, Trump. The laws we have that apply to everyone else don’t apply to Trump.
The news media also failed. It failed to accurately report the threat, preferring to only focus on the horse race, and a new ecosystem, funded by billionaire oligarchs, has arisen, choking off the Fourth Estate. It focused on Trump’s attacks on Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s age while almost completely ignoring Trump’s age, cognitive decline, and the massive corruption that pervades his entire family including Jared Kushner’s multi billion dollar deal with the Saudis and his own daughter’s capitalization on her last name. Even now, it’s going apeshit over Hunter’s pardon while completely ignoring Trump’s legion of pardons of criminals, shitbags, and personal friends. Convicted felon Charles Kusher’s nomination as Ambassador to France was given passing coverage before the media returned to Hunter. You thought Fox Noise was bad? Spend 30 seconds on Twitter X, and it will shake whatever is left of your belief in humanity. Owned by Musk, X is a literal open sewer of bullshit, lies, hate, Russian and Chinese propaganda, and advertorials for Dogecoin, SpaceX and Tesla.
We’re in deep shit, and most Americans can’t see it or even care.
While trying to avoid any sight of that awful creature, I came to the realization that Macron and the other European leaders have got his number. They know exactly how to treat him to get what they want: continuing support for Ukraine by the US and, ya know, I think they may just get it. To that end, they will kiss his ring in public.
If there is anything the Orange Felon knows, it’s what’s good for HIM. Putin’s days are numbered–his army is starting to fail, his economy is in the toilet, his status in the world has shrunk drastically with the fall of the Assad regime in Syria, and his good buddies in Iran are not much better off than he is.
The OF knows a loser when he sees one, and Putin has the whiff of a dead man. So, if he has to go to the Europeans for an ego boost and for what appears to be obeisance, he will get it as long as he comes up with the goods in the end.
That’s what I’m telling myself, anyway, to cope with this horrible alleged person.
1El Jefe, you’re so correct (I had “right” here first but it’s a dirty word in my vocabulary these days). I’m hopeful that Barb in DC is correct, too.
2Jeff Tiedrich’s article today also agrees. Theres a couple of good pics of the the orange moron in it as well.
This doesn’t have to be allowed to happen. The Biden administration can still stop it. Can refuse to allow TrumPUTIN to be given the immense power of the US Presidency.
They can arrest Trump and all the others, including Musk. All these men have been committing crimes right in front of our eyes, including their crypto shenanigans.
But they can be stopped. It isn’t too late.
3What BarbinDC said.
For those who are forced to reckon directly with Trump, flattery is their best approach. There’s a bull in the China shop. Not much they can do until he runs his course, then shovel out he shards and bullshit.
4El Jefe for ELLL JEFEEE des Estados Unitos!!!
Steve@2 thanks for Jeff T connect.
5He ran for President for the sole purpose of keeping himself out of prison. It’s all a game to him. Like Melania’s coat, he really doesn’t care.
6No one is mentioning Melanie’s commercial selling “collectable” Christmas ornaments.
7Or, Barron singing xmas songs, cd for sale.