Fringe Elements

July 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Senator John Cornyn is becoming a born again Tea Party Bag Holder. They’ve taken him down to the Boston Harbor and baptized him in the name of Michelle, Louie, and Ted.

He even hired Freedom Works’ Brendan Steinhauser as his new campaign manager and cornered the market on neon to announce it. The signs said, “Lookie, I’m a new Ted Cruz.”

Not so fast, John. Freedom Works says that one hire does not a nutcase make.

On Tuesday, FreedomWorks sought to distinguish Steinhauser’s job there as separate from the group’s super PAC, FreedomWorks for America. While Steinhauser did field work for the super PAC in support of Cruz (R-Texas), he did not lead the effort, the group says — super PAC officials Russ Walker and Ryan Hecker did.

So, maybe that’s not the kind of fringe they had in mind.


Thanks to David for the heads up.

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