Fried Okra and Cornbread

June 11, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Honey, Honey, Honey, I’m making me a big ole jug of sweet tea come next Tuesday when Jefferson Beauregard Sessions bring his lil’ cornpone self to testify to the Senate Committee on What The Tarnation Are You Boys Doing.

I am certain that Mrs. Session’s baby boy Jeffie will tell the whole truth in the cutest way possible.

And if you come here on Tuesday morning, I will ask you what are you doing here when Jeff is on the electric teevee explainin’ how it is that a boy from Selma, Alabama, came to dance the jig for a New York real estate tycoon.

It ought to be fun, I think.


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0 Comments to “Fried Okra and Cornbread”

  1. I can’t stand it. Y’all tell me afterwards. Republicans pretending to investigate Republicans is not a pretty sight.

  2. AliceBeth says:

    I am with you Rhea, I will wait for the reviews. I cannot stand to see or hear him or Trump for that long.

  3. charles phillips says:

    Watch live? No. Watch later, with beer and lotsa buttered popcorn? HELL YEAH!

  4. Do you suppose he will appear in his dress robe and hood?

  5. We’re with all y’all. It should be a scream, whether we watch it ‘live or replay or highlights (lowlights?). A good, stiff drink will help you through it! Is it 2018 yet?

  6. Sandridge says:

    Sorry to disappoint, but Boorigard has already bailed out of making any public appearances in Congress this week, it’s closed sessions only for twisted sycophant lil’ Jeffy Sessions.

  7. Awwww, hell! Reckin we shoulda knowed it. That dirty little coward!

  8. Closed door? Hell, this is where all the best leaks come from!

  9. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Betty, I have retreated into mourning over this. Surely somebody will stand outside the door to listen to the snickering.

  10. In honor of Beauregard’s impending lie scatter in the Senate, I plan to have a grit, over easy, for breakfast that morning. As most of you who have paid even passing attention to my past posts, I like nothing about the states in rebellion since 1861. Ernie the Elf Keebler is no exception. But worry not Ernie, Hell ain’t half full yet.

  11. Juanita Jean, Ain’t it so? C’mon y’all! I got enough water glasses to put up against the door so we can all listen. Grab a glass and let’s go! Maggie’s right! The best damn leaks come through that closed door.

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    New nickname: “Closed Door” Sessions.

  13. Louis Newton says:

    Alas, we shall be deprived: last I heard, Mr. Sessions has canceled. Dang.

  14. I’ve not bothered to detail check this, but it was my understanding he was appearing before this committee as a budget hearing requirement, but they removed it indoors to soothe his fraying nerves.

    However, if budget-hearing-enabled it is, he would at least have to appear in public for the budget related issues before they could remove it to the darkness of pledged secrecy.

    Just sayin’.

  15. Jane & PKM says:

    Former Senator Corn Pox and current AG Cracker Crazy may or may not present his greatest threat to Dolt45. When, not if, the little man sings, two leading snacilbupeR will be stung. Lyin’ Ryan and a certain Senate Emydidae terrapin will have lots of ‘splaining to do.

    The threat of the Feebies on their money trail may be the least of their worries. Vlad hates it when those close to him are caught with their slips showing.

  16. WA Skeptic says:

    If Vlad’s citizens are even .001% as treasonous as our POTUS’ inner circle has been noted, they’d be toted off with a bag on their heads and suffer “heart attacks”.

