Friday Toons-Better Late than Never!

May 10, 2024 By: Fenway Fran Category: Uncategorized
















and for your patience, you get this historical bonus cartoon from the archives of Robert Crumb, from back in the 80s when TFG was just getting started with his insanity. Tip of the hat to Half Empty for the share.

“Hey, everybody! Wouldn’t it’ve been cool if, way back when Donald Trump first came on the national scene in the 1980s, the great American underground cartoonist Robert Crumb—already grasping that the guy was a Garbage Human Being long, long before his would-be-fascist nightmarish demagoguery threatened to derail U.S. democracy forever—had drawn a picture of two of his trademark Amazonian women mercilessly dunking the man’s head in a toilet? Wouldn’t it have been SO AWESOME if that had actually happened? Wait a sec—HOLY CATS, turns out it DID!
(Amazing discovery; randomly found on internet; original publication information and date unknown to me; art by, obviously, R. Crumb.)”

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0 Comments to “Friday Toons-Better Late than Never!”

  1. BarbinDC says:

    Thanks, Fran! Excellent choices, as usual. And thanks to Half Empty for the fabulous R. Crumb toon. That one was rather prescient, doncha think?

  2. My question is: How did Trump actually get famous? What put him on the national stage?

  3. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Hat’s off to everyone who brought this old gem to our beauty salon! A fabulous, historic find! And proof that Truth never goes out of fashion.

  4. thatotherjean says:

    Thank you, Fran! They’re all excellent, but nothing can beat that 1980s cartoon of Trump with the two Amazons shoving his head into the toilet. Clearly, Robert Crumb knew a rotter when he saw one, right from the beginning.

  5. Opinionated Hussy says:

    R. Crumb was prescient on many things.

  6. Roger Migchelbrink says:

    Great collection. Thanks.

  7. Barbara Jones says:

    I never bought the National Inquirer but I will never forget the headline seen on it in the supermarket checkout line years ago: Marla Maples says ‘Trump is the best sex I ever had!’ That was somewhere between divorce #1 and marriage #2. Sure bet that Trump did not want catch and kill on that one!

  8. Hey, look he talks the same now as he did then! Blurb, blah, blub,blah,…

  9. I vividly remember the “young” tRump who lost a fortune and just couldn’t seem to keep things financially together. I also remember young folks feeling sorry for the guy! I hope they have grown up. Its for damn sure tRump never did.

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’m a little late to reading the toons for last week. All great again. To all you moms, happy Mothers Day!
    Comment on TFFG and his frauding and cheating- anyone actually think the IRS will go after him for the $100 million in taxes he owes for double dipping on his business failures? His comback is always that if his company did something wrong, it was someone else he hardly knew’s fault. Or it’s a false news and the dems political hack job.

  11. The Surly Professor says:

    I downloaded the full T**** episode by R. Crumb many years ago. In fact, before the Web existed, when you had to use ftp to transfer files across the Internet. I’ll try to find an online location for it and see if it is copyrighted or not. The single panel Fenway Fran posted was the last in that episode – and admittedly the best.

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    … and the full episode of Point the Finger is online, at

    Beware that R. Crumb is almost always “not safe for work”. He is an old underground comics artist. If you can get hold of a copy, check out his version of the book of Genesis, which follows the King James version closely but with his typical style of illustration. That book is the one that has made him the most money, and I bought it long ago to pay him back for the years of me reading his comics for free.
