Friday Toons (and memes)

August 02, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

By way of apology, and in my defense, this isn’t my job. Fran said I’d do the toons on Friday, so I’ll do them. But this week I’ve seen a notable dearth of political cartoons in my usual feeds, so in order to fully populate this posting with the requisite number, memes will have to do.


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0 Comments to “Friday Toons (and memes)”

  1. Al Dente in Altuna, OR says:

    You did great HE! Fun line up worthy of the Salon!

  2. BarbinDC says:

    Thanks. These are all very good.

  3. Opinionated Hussy says:

    But the last one made me want to cry…

  4. serial liar drumpf refused to take the stage at Black Journalist’s roast if they would not agree to not fact check him live. He blamed the hour long delay on audio problems- his inability to take no for an answer.

    Last two cartoons are beyond classics. Thanks for posting them.

  5. thatotherjean says:

    Well done!

  6. Good selection!
    Especially like the Wizard of Oz.

  7. Great ones……good job and thanks

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    All good, thanks for doing this.
    I kind a like all the cats and cat ladies. I’m looking for there to be some cat lady parades with anti trumpf signs and banners.
    Maybe need some special cat boxes that say “I proudly shit on Donald Trump.” Could be painted in shiny cheap gold paint.

  9. Darn good selection! Now, tell me how you did it!

  10. Half Empty says:

    I’m still trying to figure that out, maggie.

  11. Opinionated Hussy says:

    This cartoon won’t wait for next Friday…..

  12. I have a familial hand tremor so I vote in person because my tremor makes my signature different from one minute to the next (no, the meds I tried don’t help). Nor am I a cat lady (I’m allergic) but I still have my pink “pussy” hat and still wear it when the weather permits. I will certainly wear it when I go to vote.

  13. Good job, you hit it out of the park.

  14. Sandridge says:

    The ‘toons of the Ven Diagram and the Anglo ‘migrant caravan’ moving in on the First People’s land are absolutely brilliant.

  15. Dzienkuje bardzo, HE. Checking in from Gdansk after stops in Berlin and Nekla (Poland). Will be on a train all day tomorrow to the Tatras, Zakopane then Krakow. We spent several hours at the Solidality Museum yesterday and are fueled with hope. People here are watching us with fingers crossed. Except for a guy who looked like a cross between Alex Jones and Rush Lumbaugh. He wanted us to protect his guy Trump. Nie. Tylko nie. Back on the left coast a week from Sunday. Do widzenia!

  16. Sandridge, is it possible for magats like drumpf to explain why whitey’s taking over Indian land is any different than what is happening today?

  17. Fat fingers, that’s Solidarity Museum. And you know I meant Limbaugh!

  18. Sandridge says:

    E platypus onion @16, all MAGAots, up to the Pendejo Grande, are totally unequwitted to explain any of the bullshit that they blindly believe in.
    As far as migratory fluxes and takeovers, they’ve occurred throughout history in most places; just the way it is.

    Today’s influx, particularly from the south, is similar but different in how and why it’s happening.
    It seems mostly just a response to economic forces, but even I suspect that there’s a component of the little known “Reconquista” motivation…

  19. Rust Limpaw, like Anton Scaliawag is still dead. Maybe there is a dog after all.
