Friday Toons

May 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized






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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Some of the best toons everrrrrr!!!!

    Rain, wind, flooding here. These toons gave me a much needed grin!

  2. Marge Wood says:

    Maggie, where ARE you? Hope you’re above the flooding.

  3. maryelle says:

    Republican insanity on parade. The cartoons express it elegantly.

  4. Elise Von Holten says:

    They are funny–but the truth is, I’m just not laughing that much anymore. Benghazi Beenghaazi!
    The news cycles are so dang crazy…
    The drought in the west, Ca is burning and it’s only May!, while the East is rain and floods, the sea is rising and it’s raising all the boats–not to mention disrupting food production (with only 19% of normal water Ca the breadbasket of the world is in deep odd-doo) and the wet will rot food in my back yard…
    With things like this to ponder, and I am food secure, unlike so many—I just don’t feel like laughing.

  5. Zyxomma says:

    Everyone, stay safe. That usually doesn’t mean loading a gun.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    I agree with all. Be good neighbors and all that.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    I remember the summer more than 40 years ago when it rained nonstop most of the summer. You could smell the gardens rotting. I had to sleep sitting up to breathe.

  8. I see a collection of cartoons every day and I wasn’t sure where Sargent is based, but when I saw that one about the GOP Lt-Gov debate sounding like cats in a woodchipper, I knew it had to be Texas.

    Can’t say I’m crazy about our Gov choices in MD. I’ll vote for Heather Mizeur because she’s a lefty, but one of the boy Dems will win it.

  9. Zyxomma says:

    Happy birthday to Wendy Davis!! That is not a joke.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    Ben Sargent and his wife live in Austin. They are both liberal Democrats and out front about it. We’re real proud that they live here.

  11. Marge Wood, I live just to one side of red white and blue Fort Belvoir, one of the largest military reservations in the country. It has so many people working on base and even living there that it could qualify as a city in itself and maybe even a county with its own Congressional district. This AM the flooding was so bad at one of the intersections near the base that all traffic in both directions was closed down and redirected. As of noontime, that flooding was still there! We may have yet more of the same tonight and early tomorrow AM. Not making any plans for tomorrow. Life is getting in the way.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    Maggie, I hope you are safe and have plenty of food and toilet paper and batteries and meds. Be thinking of you.
    For those of you who read DAILY KOS and the item about California protest, note they don’t know that Texas and Alaska are bigger states than California. Are we gonna let ’em get away with that? Oh well, anyone who cares enough to march 480 miles is allowed a mistake or two.

  13. Maggie, best of luck and I hope your house isn’t flooded. We’re near the NE corner of the beltway and didn’t get the worst of it.

    Marge Wood, maybe they meant CA is biggest in population?

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Rhea and Maggie, thinking of you.
    Rhea, you probably right: maybe CA does have biggest population. I’m not real good on numbers. I bet anyone who sits in traffic jams in California, or New York for that matter, would believe they were in the biggest state.

  15. Joy Losee says:

    Love this site. Glad I found it!!
