Friday Toons

April 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized




Clay Bennett editorial cartoon




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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. maryelle says:

    Sad, but true and so disheartening.

  2. Re the re-painted egg, I was listening to a Carrie Newcomer song with the refrain, “There’s room for everyone at the table,” and though sadly that that *ought* to be a theme for (among us others) everyone who considers themselves a Christian, but sadly it isn’t.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, whether Christian or other philosophy the future of the world relies on everyone coming together and committing to the preservation of our planet, sharing the resources and investing in solar energy, universal food, medical care and safe air & water for all.

    For all their $billions, the Koch Suckers are two senile, stupid dudes. Parasites ready to kill their hosts. The politicians bought by them and Shellie the Archaic The 1% needs to be reminded of the evacuation of Viet Nam,before they think their safe havens guarantee them squat.

  4. Sad when toons offer no laughter or smiles, but thanks to JJ for posting. Sometimes Good Friday is just another Friday. I took a photo of the steps of a nearby church, because there was a “Jesus” and a few Roman soldiers. Made me smile.
