Friday Toons

November 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized








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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. charles r phillips says:

    I think the one thing President Obama needs to make clear is that these people’s insurance companies are cancelling their insurance, not him. The insurance companies have been charging huge fees for sub-standard insurance, and now they can’t.

    So instead of modifying their policies, Big Health Care is just dumping these people. That leaves “Obamacare” as the white knight, not the villain.

  2. charles r phillips says:

    Oh, and if I were Rand Paul, I would shut the hell up before MORE people noticed what a lazy, ignorant jackass I was.

  3. Amen, Charles. However, I’ve been able to use this to illustrate to my university students that plagiarism is serious, and how this man may never get a chance to run for president because of it. They were very attentive to the “lesson” for once!

  4. When my husband passed away a year ago Nov. 1 I got on the horn to check out our supplemental health insurance policy and I am to this day very glad I did. It turned out that on my initiative the policy was saved and I still have it. Big lesson from this is I thought my late husband was simply phobic cuz every year in November he did the same thing and ended up either keeping the policy as is or upgraded or even switching to a different carrier. He never took that damn health insurance supplemental for granted!!! He knew that insurance companies favored screw drivers! And he wasn’t the screw!

  5. What is it about movie dialogue which moves the Rand to copy? He has used lines from “Gattaca” and “Stand and Deliver”, but tossed aside classics like “Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore”, or “May the Force be with you”, “Luke, I am your father”, “Snakes, I hate snakes”, ” Go ahead, make my day” and the
    ever-popular, extremely appropriate to this situation, “Stupid is as stupid does”.

  6. Fascinating that first Gingrich and now Paul are considered the “intellectuals” of the GOP. That says so much about the GOP.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Charles R. Phillips, your comment, and yours, Maggie, are probably the best thing I’ll read today before we go to the doctor and give them our insurance cards. We love Medicare. We have a good supplemental. The liars, er, distorters, complaining about Obama cancelling insurance remind me of the first time I encountered the Tea Party. I was going around talking with them and one very obese old lady was whining about how Obama wouldn’t give her grandmother a heart transplant. My best friend said to me, but she woulda said it to the obese lady if she’d been there, huh, no honest doctor would either. Ninety year olds don’t get heart transplants.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    And Jan, thanks for comments re: plagiarism. Heck, this looks like it is going to be one of those really great days of comments.

  9. Friday is my favorite day of the week thanks to Juanita Jeans toons and Bill Maher. Good one Maryelle
