Friday Toons

October 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Clay Bennett editorial cartoon





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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Hippie in the Hollar says:

    Lawdy, lawdy, Miss Juanita you nailed it on the head. Several heads. The Luckovich and Bennett cartoons especially. Thank you for the Friday!!! morning laughs.

  2. Great Friday “toons”.

    Found this interesting.
    Is the whole family one bottle short of a six-pack?

    The elder Cruz obviously thinks his son has been “annointed” to take the money and run.

    Good Grief!

  3. And what a game it was. A pitcher’s duel right down to the wire, with Team Extortion’s over-confidence. Cruz and the Repugs just didn’t have the right stuff.

  4. Any kid who shows up at my door on Halloween wearing a Ted Cruz mask won’t get even sight or smell of candy! Mamas, don’t let your kid do such a thing! I’d rather he be a cowboy than a cruz!

  5. Thanks, JJ! I always love the Friday toons to start off my weekend!

  6. texas coastie says:

    OMG! Luckovitch (#3) nails it! The Gilchrist community goes after (pick one, or all) Jerry Patterson, Ryan Dennard, or Mark Henry! It’s the Rollover Pass Revolutionaries!!

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Miemaw, I nearly got sick awhile back when it dawned on me how all that Dominionist stuff fit together. Cruz in Senate, his wife high up in that big Goldman Sachs, his papa preaching to big churches etc. This Dominionist theology has a big hold on certain groups. I figure this all relates to Perry’s infamous Christmas card. He wants “in” with the transfer of wealth. The LEFT BEHIND fiction series preaches this. It took years to build and it will take years and a lot of smart folks thinking and working to come up with something better. My opinion.
