Friday Toons

September 13, 2024 By: Fenway Fran Category: Uncategorized


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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Thanks Fran! I know we always say “they’re all good and hard to pick the best one” but today I’m saying they’re all good and hard to pick the best one! Great way to commemorate a great week. So much fun to see repugnanticans squirm and try to sugarcoat an old orange deplorable malignant narcissist falling completely apart in front of a nation.
    I guess the first one might say it best.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    My attachment won’t open (I should have known better) but it was a picture that showed Kamala shaking trumpf’s hands at the debate with the caption “Woman kills baby live on stage 78 years after it’s birth.”

  3. The Surly Professor says:

    I recognized Bill the Cat (from Bloom County, circa 1980s) on the ear pad in #4. But not whoever is pictured on the bandage in #8. Anyone know who the yelling man is?

  4. Thanks, Fran! These made me laugh out loud–especially the Bill The Cat picture on the phony bandage.

    @The Surly Professor: Not sure, but I think it might possibly be Ted Nugent. Or not.

    I’m just trying not to get too happy before Nov. 5. I remember 2016 “all too well.” (See what I did there???)

  5. Fenway Fran says:

    It does kind of look like Ted Nugent. If it is, though, the artist really should have used his photo from Cat Scratch Fever!

  6. I’m fairly certain that’s Gary Busey, who after railing against helmet laws, laid a bike down and slid headfirst into a curb, iirc. At which point he was all about the helmets.
    And as it relates to the current conversation, from that point on it seemed like every pic you saw of him was of him doing his best Bill the Cat impression. Gotta admit I never heard him say ACK.
    But Fran you out did yourself. Bill the Cat, one of Blake Edwards’ best gags, Boris and Natasha, with floor face mopping and a canna whoopass. Doesn’t get much better than that.


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