Friday Toons

August 16, 2024 By: Fenway Fran Category: Uncategorized


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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Doing a laugh/cry for #10.

  2. No. 6 got it right…

  3. Welcome back, Fran! These are all excellent!

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Fran, thanks for today’s selection. Hope you enjoyed your travels.
    They are all good. I agree that #6 hits the target for most of the press. They take us for idiots that we don’t know their coverage is all about keeping the magats looking at them. They’re as self serving as TFFG.

  5. thatotherjean says:

    Thanks, Fenway Fran! Great selection!
    My favorites this Friday are the elephant painter in the first cartoon, Clarence Thomas saying the quiet part out loud, and Donald Trump’s red hat.

  6. The last one. Can’t be beat.
