Friday Toons

July 26, 2024 By: Fenway Fran Category: Toons, Uncategorized

0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. The Surly Professor says:

    Everybody, blow up the fourth one and enjoy the details. Everything in it has a bandage on the ear, including the goldfish and even the electrical socket!

    Then think how ludicrous it is, since truly dedicated MAGAts have now convinced themselves that Hitler wasn’t really a bad guy, just someone hounded by Antifa fanatics. They would never think to ask why someone didn’t stop Hitler.

  2. The Republican led House managed to toss out a Speaker, vote vote vote for a new Speaker, tick tock tick tock, investigate Hunter, pretend to impeach the president. They brought Boebert & Greene to the front of the stage as proof that Republican ideas for control of women’s minds and bodies is justified.

    What a waste of oxygen.
    No wonder they’re sucking for air when faced with Kamala.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    A few more toons concerning the repulsive repugnantican party candidates.

  4. Surprised drumpf isn’t pushing drumpf brand bandaids for his ear and why isn’t he promoting Ronny Jackson snake oil?

    magats can already own drumpf autographed monogram handkerchiefs without paying a dime for them. Get your red,white and blue Sharpies and mark a big “D” on your index fingertips.

  5. So when does Pvt. bone spurs award himself a Purple Heart? Or he hold out for the Congressional?
