Friday Toons

October 27, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized











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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Sister Artemis says:

    All good ‘toons today, but oh, that Sidney Powell one…
    In terms of crafting a message through an image: *chef’s kiss*

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Not surprisingly, loony Sidney Powell is now claiming she was coerced (she called it extorted) into pleading guilty. Just trying to imagine her on the stand testifying.

  3. Steve. Yep, cause that’s what happens when you cop a plea for a reduced sentence,ratting out your partner gangsters.

  4. No bad deed goes unpunished: pay your lawyer’s bill

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Anyone alarmed by the new speaker of the house? Lots of far right stuff of course but 3 things really bothered me this week. His comments about the 1st amendment that the separation of church and state only applies for the protection of people of “faith”. What he means is those with his religious beliefs can impose their religion on everyone else. Then, as expected, his comments about the worst mass shooting in the history of Maine (by a gun nut with an assault rifle)- it’s not about the guns. Need to protect the right to have war weapons no matter what. Tell that to the victims’ families. Then of course, he doubles down on the denial that Biden won in 2020. Just imagine what will happen in the gop house of vengeance if trumpf runs again loses to Biden.

  6. Pence the Piñata just popped his parachute. “Please don’t hurt me no more. “

  7. Pence had his moment of “Horatio at the Bridge “ and he did not fail. Most of us are never forced to face a call like that. For that I give him Honor. I still don’t agree with or like him about most things but he does have a Red Badge of Courage for that in my book.

  8. Jace, well said.
    And kinda off topic, but to me it’s just a reminder of what woulda happened on Jan. 6th if instead of Milley recognizing a “Reichstag moment” and thwarting it, we’d had the kinda people in flag rank offices that tuberville’s trying to hold out for.
    Like Steve said, the perfect shit storm is in place in the House.
