Friday Toons

February 17, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized









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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    All good but I can’t pick between 4 & 3, the real repugnantican party.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Most excellent choices, Ms. JJ! ***If only*** the GOPers had a sense of humor it would lead them to the reality about themselves – they are a joke, a particularly bad joke. If only the media was as brutally honest about the GOP as are the cartoonists. Your Friday toons are divine. Moscow Mitch, Qevin McQarthy and TFM deserve copies with a weekly blast from the WMDBS. No. TFM does not mean the same as TFG. TFM is a riff on what Rexxon Drillerson called the twice impeached moron, Orange Foolius.

  3. All of them brilliant, JJ! Cannot shake the image from my brain of Marjorie opening her mouth at the SOTU. The last time I saw something that big, there was bus parked in it.

  4. Ms. maggie @3, a “mere” bus parking space? Respectfully you may be conflating where MAGAt Marge once did business before becoming a Congress varmint with the size of her mouth. The depth and distance of her stupidity equals lakes deeper than Lake Tahoe. Distance? Some say between NY and Australia. Meh. From San Franciso to the Philippines? Nah. MAGAt Marge is a shy millimeter of too stupid to breath.

    Lordy. Written instructions for breathing in all Congressional restrooms would clear out the Moscow Mitch and Qevin McQarthy fools of Congress.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    OT but again, not so OT. Keep fighting Jimmy Carter. I don’t think people appreciated him like he earned. Even in his late 90’s he understands where we’re at in this country and he has great fears for the future of democracy. This is a year old but still very relevant.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Happy Presidents’ Day!
    Speaking of MTG, she’s truly the ugly unamerican.

    Besides wanting to impeach Joe Biden for visiting Ukraine, she wants to dissolve the USA. She’s had a busy weekend of blabbering.

  7. slipstream says:

    Huh. I thought she laid her hand on the Bible and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution.

