Friday Toons

November 18, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized









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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    I wish Merrick Garland would go visit the Old Pretender with subpoena/arrest warrant!

  2. True that, Grandma Ada @1!

    The comics “get” it while too many voters do not. Apparently, the truism “paint them a picture” is not so true…

  3. The Surly Professor says:

    Re the MAGA crud: Trump’s slogan for 2024 is “make America great and glorious again”, MAGAGA. So numbers 7 and 8 have already been outdone … by the Orange Maggot himself.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Concerning #6, I see Merrick Garland is going to appoint a special counsel to decide if trumpf should be investigated. I think this sounds like he’s punting the ball and putting the decision on someone else. I get more and more skeptical that anything will ever happen to trumpf.

  5. STEVE, Tend to agree with you, there kinda a click, & hate to beat on each other unless its election time.

  6. john in denver says:

    Steve@4 …

    I dunno … some one-time colleagues of Jack Smith say he wouldn’t have left his job at The Hague without thinking the new position would be autonomous and consequential.

    Lots of attorneys seem to think Garland is insulating the inquiry. The insulation: EmptyWheel [ ] says: “First, this will make it very easy to refuse Jim Jordan’s demands for information about the investigation.” Second, “It will ensure the continuity of any prosecution after 2025, no matter who is elected.”

    Garland called Smith “the right choice to complete these matters in an even-handed and urgent manner.” EmptyWheel, again, says “The stolen documents case, which is the first that could be prosecuted (assuming the 11th Circuit overturns Judge Aileen Cannon’s special master order) is fairly self-contained, so would only take a day to be briefed into. The coup attempt is far, far more complex, but I think there was no way Trump himself would be indicted before February or March anyway, probably longer.”

    Last, and perhaps most interesting,
    The language authorizing a Special Counsel to investigate anything that “might arise directly from this investigation” is standard Special Counsel language. It generally covers efforts to obstruct the investigation.
    Only, usually, it only appears in the subjunctive, covering matters that might arise, in the future.
    This authorizes Smith to investigate things that already have. Which would only be necessary if such matters had already arisen.

    The order also authorizes Smith to spin off prosecutions.”
