Friday Toons

May 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Is this thing about Fed. aid to Oklahoma kind of like the prodigal son story, like we oughta send Federal funds to them even if we have to shove it down the throats of Coburn and Inhofe? I’m confused.

  2. maryelle says:

    Despite the messes pictured above, we’re a whole lot better off than we were with Dubya.

  3. The Oklahoma senators are more than willing to collect federal emergency aid; however, at least one of them will “insist” that the money be cut from the budget elsewhere, say… education assistance or some other needless expense.

  4. Marge, I assumed it was what seems a common phenomenon: I don’t want to vote to support victims of Sandy in that thar Blue State, but now my state needs funds and I am all for that.

  5. Rubymay says:

    Star is right. My dear mama used to say, “Depends on whose ox is in the ditch.” You bet they’ll take that federal money — it’s their ox!

  6. Lesson learned in law school: “It all depends on whose ox is getting gored.”
