Friday Toons

August 16, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized














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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. As a first generation American, I really take issue with Cooch and his total disrespect of Lady Liberty. He was just like this when he lived in Prince William County and that made him a terrible neighbor, no matter how far away you lived from him. My father left his small town in another country because it was dominated by people like Cooch. He thought he could get a better break here. And he was right.If he were coming into this country – translation: “trying” to come into this country – now, he cold have a helluva hard time despite the fact that he was a high school graduate (kind of unlikely for the time he did actually cross the border), speak French and German as well as English, had no specific “talent” as interpreted by law except for the fact that he was the best athlete ever to exist in his little home town. He eventually ended up owning two homes successively, raised two kids who worked their way through school to become a teacher and the other a nurse who went on to marry and have families of their own and also become homeowners. May Cooch and his entire ilk, including the Golden Gibbon, be visited by aany ghost with a resemblance to Jacob Marley!

  2. publius bolonius says:

    Love the last one. Maybe we should be creating new conspiracies to keep the flying monkeys engaged in furious handwringing.
