Friday Toons

April 22, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. I saw a posting yesterday that, paraphrasing, said if kid’s books really work that way, turning you into something, why am I not a very hungry caterpillar?
    I think the Florida man governor spent way to much time with the Brothers Grimm. Warped him greatly.

  2. #4,5 and 7 are on the mark.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Excellent week for the cartoonists! The issues going into the 2022 elections are clear. Almost feeling optimistic that barring QNP election ratfucking in overdrive, this could be a Blue Tsunami.

  4. McSweeney’s breaks down the Florida objections to the math books.

  5. The Surly Professor says:

    “Bronzed Berries” is *exactly* what a dingly-dangly tanning salon would have as a name!

    Origuy: thanks for the link, I never think of McSweeney’s until someone else posts about them.

    In my mathematical teaching career, I once found that I was on the blacklist of a local Christian cult – no member of the church was allowed to take a course taught by me, and if they were signed up for one, they had to drop it immediately, even if it meant their graduation would be delayed. Reason? I covered Cantor’s diagonalization method, which proves there are different sizes of infinity, and no such thing as a “largest infinity”. And why is something standard in math, logic, and computer science anti-Christian? Because God is infinite, and must be the largest infinity. Therefore, Professor Surly is teaching lies from Satan.

    I was amused enough to go to the cult center (“church”) and beard the “minister” in his lair. I pointed out that his reasoning assumed that God was just a number, while most Christians think that something more is involved in being God. The guy demanded I leave immediately, and he was so angry (or frightened) that he was shaking.

    Amusing, unless you’re a student who finds she has to wait another year to complete the requirements for a degree … only to find that I was assigned to teach the same course the next year.

    And I use “cult” seriously. They targeted international students who were new to the country and more easily swayed. The cult mini-Koresh could and did order members to divorce spouses who weren’t in the cult (more accurately, who did not chip in 10% of their income), and would then assign new spouses from the membership. It was centered on the leader, and his word was God’s commands.

    But now the heeby-jeebies are cranked up to attack grade-school math.

  6. Chester, if teachers had the power that GOP thinks they have kids would do their homework and come to class prepared. And that especially includes the kids I had in class, age 18-55.

  7. TSP, your dingly dangly put me in mind of a song from a few years ago(maybe Little Richard?) called My Ding-A-Ling, and everybody was cool with it!

  8. Martin. that song may have been by The Hot Nuts who were hysterical, especially in a packed room in the 60’s.

  9. The Surly Professor says:

    Martin and Fran: It was Chuck Berry who had the version that dominated the airwaves for a couple of years. While Little Richard might have loved it early in his career, he got religon before the 60s began and would not have performed it afterwards.

    Quasi-related: we can thank Sam Philips of Sun Records that Jerry Lee Lewis did not also turn Jesus Freak and stop playing rock. There’s an audio recording somewhere of them arguing, with Philips claiming that “this kind of music” can draw people to Christianity. JLL was not convinced of that, but eventually agreed that “Great Balls of Fire” would not pull people away form religon. [He was wrong; rock and roll is the Devil’s music and draws impressionable young folks away from church. At least, it did for me!]
