Friday Toons

May 17, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized




















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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Jackie Mineo says:

    Where are the “Boycott Alabama” signs and bumper stickers?
    I mean it. I will not purchase a thing I know was manufactured or grown or distributed in that state. …and I am now about to research which companies they are so I can tell them so.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Jackie Mineo@1, to cut off the air to Alabama we’ll need cooperation from the other 49 states. Red state welfare depends on an alphabet soup of federal agencies, particularly the war group and USAF (we called it the “Confederate Air Force”). They thrive on the bloated Pentagon budget. From OK on south shut down a base and a town dies.

  3. Jackie Mineo @ 1

    Let’s see…the following auto makers have plants in AL:

    Mercedes Benz

    Other companies:

    Papa John’s Pizza

    Here’s a link with a bigger list:

  4. here’s a list of companies headquartered in AL. By the way the list includes Coca Cola.,_Alabama

  5. North Coast says:

    Jackie Mineo, it’s a little more complicated than that. Literally hundreds of companies use the Alabama prison system to manufacture their products. On AL.Com you can see a catalog and get a sense of the exploitation that makes this system very profitable for the companies and no doubt for the prison system. The next time you see a label that says “Proudly Made in USA”, chances are the product was made by prison slave labor.

  6. Kate Dungan says:

    Re: Alabama and other state prison systems

    I’ve had a bad feeling about these abortion laws that are being put into place that criminalize women. Marijuana is being decriminalized, so what’s going to happen to all the low level offenders no longer being put in the private prison system? I think they plan to replace them with women. These laws are so merciless and so egregious, and so many elected officials take money from the “prison industry” that I feel that this is, at least, a part of why so many states are taking this action.

  7. With the news of proof that during 2016 election at least 2 counties had their voter data base hacked and russian hackers had free reign to wander in their systems and possibily change things.
    We do not hear of this until AFTER the 2018 elections that resulted in supposedly very, very narrow victories for thuglican governor and senator.
    Why did it take until after at least 1 more election cycle to admit that and how do we know the hackers had no effect upon the thuglicans victory.
    Remember cheating is second nature to thuglicans.
    Why is no one pushing for greater and more public investigations?
    I am tired of these institionalist’s hiding their failures in the name of protecting failed instititions.
    If an individual employed by the government in any form of law enforcement knows more of this and does nothing to inform the public they are as dirty as a so called “good” cop who knows their fellow officers are theives, murders and crooks but says nothing so as to protect the reputation of the force. They are as dirty as the murderers they are protecting.
    Their oath of office is to the people of the country not to protect the shop worn reputations of any government agency. Claiming it is “secret” is working for the enemy of our democracy whether that enemy are foriegn influences, criminal bag men, ideological hacks, or their administrative heads.
    Time I would like to see some gonads out of these moral cowards and ethical fools.
    They feel keeping their mouth shut will help them aicheve a retiremnt no matter the cost to the country they had sworn to protect.

  8. emented donnie is trying new scam to milk as much money as possible.
    The national disgrace is scheduled to visit Ireland.
    He is demanding that the Irish Taoiseach ( President) “host” demented donnie at one of his golf resorts.
    Want to bet that he is planning on chargeing the Irish government full freight and then some for the “priviledge” of hosting him at his own resort.
    Not to mention all those extra US taxpayers dollars he will scam by having his entire entourage, including secret service, stay at his money losing resort.
    So far the Irish have said no.
    They offered to host dinner at near by castle that served same function when one of the dis honest shrub traitors came on an official visit.
    but according to demented donnie that isn’t good enough either he makes a profit on this trip or he will go to Scotland instead, yeah like he is welcome there either.

  9. One of the reasons that the D house MUST impeach is to show all the voters who worked to get them elected that they will fight for their constituents concerns.
    Look at thuglicans they propose all sorts of deranged ideas and laws they must know will go no where and are often unconstititional. But this just reinforces their standing with the knuckledraggers who put them in office since they are showing they are responsive to their base.
    Compare that with D’s who are always explaining how they can’t do things and wish to indulge in warking the matgins, not to mention their repeated claim to seek bi-partisanship with a thuglican party that sees bi-partisan as date rape.
    Look in ’92 Clinton swept into office and immediately tried to bribe thugs with thug members of cabinet ( i.e gates as defense – a classic case of incompetence falling up) and seeking to surrender most of constituents issues to thuglicans, with the help of thuglicrats, such as cuellar who learned the art of political of betrayal, and others.
    This led to realatively unproductive admin interested only in passing thuglican policies ( NAFTA etc) then they wondered where their support went in 94. Withe their constituents expressing that if you won’t fight for us we won’t fight for you.
    Repeated same disastrous policy when Obama swept in just to founder upon the rocks of thuglican intransigience and d quislings such as liarman, cuellar and Ben Nighthorse Campbell.
    Guess what – that lack of spine led to tea party ascedency.
    So now we have biden and others signaling surrender to thuglican intransgience even before the primary’s.
    The thugs have passed foul laws such as what alabama and missouri did this week not so much as hoping to strip half of our population of any rights over their own bodies but more to show their supporters that they will fight for there reactionary bigotry.
    Time for the d’s to stop quivering in fear and accepting thuglican framing and defining of issues and take the battle to them.
    Another example of the lack of D spine occured in Oregon where in face of thuglican saboutage the d’s rewarded blackmail by dropping gun bill and public health bill, both of which would save lives so they could show oregon voters that even wih thuglicans in the minority that they still control the agenda.
    Boy sure wonder how the d constituents feel today?

  10. North Coast says:

    Thanks K, I think you’re right on every point.

  11. This grotesque abortion law thing in certain states is just a shot across the bow. Also on their list is to overturn Brown V. Topeka Board of Education and all legialation in general on equality. This is the group who cannot live without Jim Crow law and night-riders. And the spew from the White House is helping the.

  12. I’m no longer calling the state Aladamnbama. From now on until that hateful law is gone, its Alaf*ckyoubama.
