Friday Toons

March 22, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized
















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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. The side door on the White House is particularly opportune, given the college admissions scandal, while the KKK member with his long red tie in the form of a noose leaves little doubt who the white nationalist is.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    maryelle, for all the “Donnie ain’t racist fluffers” who ignore all the years of evidence that IQ45 is certainly a racist puke, my last argument to them would be: what non-racist in their right mind would have Stephen Miller on their payroll?

  3. All good ‘toons as usual.
    The bottom one points up something that I’ve been seeing about these WNKs though: listing recent massacres and omitting the Las Vegas hotel sniper, who killed 80+ people and wounded hundreds more.
    IIRC, that whackjob was found to have RWNJ status, correct? He may not have been overt about it, but didn’t the investigation find enough evidence to link him to lots of RW stuff?
    IMO, anybody addicted to FuxNooz and/or RWNJ radio (like Flush Limpballs, et al.), is complicit in all of this stuff.

  4. JJ, you all continue to simply knock it out of the ball park!

  5. And so it starts with the dccc spitting in grassroots face and protecting thuglican so like lipinski and cuellar.
    While ensuring fat paydays for their loser consultants.
