Friday Toons

August 17, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized







Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press














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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Did anyone notice the small hands in the fifth cartoon?

  2. That Jones cartoon just underscores the lack of belief the supporters of 45 have: Even if documentation and convictions come to “The Swamp”, it will still be “Deep State” and overthrowing the government.

    We have put our faith in the institutions of our society and government, and they failed to keep money and prejudice out. And that is how things will stay until McTurtle is a minority leader…

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Clay Bennett’s “The Perjury Trap” is simple and on point. Dotard45’s mouth will go down in history as the ‘Perjury Yap.’ His twitter fingers will be smoking this weekend, if the jury delivers verdicts on Manafort today. The Drumpf legacy: big mouth and tiny little twitter fingers.

  4. Toles’ version of Trump increasingly resembles Jabba the Hutt, or something gradually melting into the ooze. As well it might.

  5. “Draining the swamp” does, of necessity, have to include the large majority of the Russpublican party, especially Chinless Wonder McTurtle and Lyin Ryan. I don’t mean draining them only out of DC, but into prison. Treasonous SOBs are criminals. Lock them up!
