July 15, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized
Welcome to The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.
My name is Susan DuQuesnay Bankston. I live in Richmond, Texas, in the heart of Tom DeLay's old district. It's nuttier than squirrel poop here.
I am honored and privileged to know Miss Juanita Jean Herownself, hairdresser extraordinary and political maven. Since she does not have time to fiddle with this internet stuff, I type her website for her and you can read it if you want to. If you don't, she truly does not give a big bear's butt.
A lot of what I post here has to do with local politics, but you probably have the same folks in your local government.
This ain't a blog. Blogs are way too trendy for me. This is a professional political organization.
83 killed in Nice, France … there is no comment!!
1Drumpf will be patting himself on the back for predicting more violence in Europe. Then he will take credit when the sun comes up tomorrow. Then he gets credit for making stopped clocks right twice a day.
2Clarence Dumbass left Nice a few hours before the massacre. Inside knowledge? A few hours the other way and there would have been another Scotus vacancy to fill.
3Clarence? Nice? Had no idea he was of a mind to actually travel past his mailbox. Its that total inertia he has, ya know. Wonder what inspired himself to leave when he did.
4Maggie: his wife!!
We need to not bite on this bait and answer with more violence! If ever there were a time to take the high road! And now we have Trumpty Dumpty capering around like the benighted fool he has become!!
5The cartoon guy with the glasses: Perfect!
6Open carrier or religious right terrorist? They look the same.
7Terrorists usually have better gun skills than open carriers who’ve only had the four-hour carry-license class.
Which means they’re more likely to kill you instead of the terrorist they think they’re aiming at.