Lots and Lots of Friday Toons

May 15, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized













May 13, 2015.




Clay Bennett editorial cartoon







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0 Comments to “Lots and Lots of Friday Toons”

  1. Just Suze says:

    I can’t help but think that el Jebe could be as dumb as dirt (my apologies to all the dirt in the universe) , and still be the smarter Bush.

  2. With apologies to the brilliant Toles, he has reassembled his brothers entire team, not just his speaking advisers! Good grief what does it say when this is the sanest person running for President from your party!?

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Just Suze, you may have cracked the code to Bush ‘intelligence.’ Of all the Bushes, past and present, Prescott wasn’t so much intelligent as devious. Thus, my vote for the one and only intelligent Bush would be Millie. Bless her ashes, Millie was the only likeable Bush, too.

  4. What I remember best about the Alamo is that Travis’s slave, Joe, survived.

    The “freedom fighters” there were fighting for their own freedom. Much like today’s Tea Party and religious right.

  5. we are screwed

  6. Marlene Steenhoek says:

    Most telling is the family statement that “Jebbie is the smart one” and if that is indeed true then it shows the utter stupidity of W. Being smarter than W but dumber than a rock. My thought when I watched the hedging and compared him with Teddy Kennedy’s presidential run years ago. Ted couldn’t say why he was running…he was a Kennedy, it was expected. With Mama Bush telling everyone that they hadn’t thought of W as being President, Jebbie was the smart one and the one they expected to be elected. So now he has to run but with Bush the lesser in our minds and still recovering from his economic mess (no one mentions this is our only president with a degree in finance). On another board someone reminded readers that karma is a *itch – if Jeb hadn’t helped W get elected with the Florida chads then Jeb would have been compared only to his father and wouldn’t have to defend the stupid and evil – the legacy of W.

  7. Rubymay says:

    Don’t want to be offensive here, but I’m a little inclined to believe Jeb really didn’t understand the question. Most republicans only hear what they WANT to hear — why would Jeb be any different? This does not, of course, excuse the abject stupidity.

  8. @Deb, is JEB using Dubya’s chief adviser, the Cheney with his hand up the backway making the mouth move? I don’t think JEB has been nasty enough for that yet. Give him time.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    If Jeb Shrub survives the first turn of the Klown Kar, he has four insurmountable speed bumps ahead of him. There are his own self created problems, those problems created by Dubya, then the CIA follies of Bush Daddy1 to send his seat in the Klown Kar into a right hand orbit somewhere beyond Jupiter. If he survives that crash landing, we can only hope there’s a journalist out there to land #4, the knock out blow, asking him about Gran Paps Prescott and the start of the Bush Crime Family.

  10. gabberflasted says:

    Jebbie gives me the heebie jeebies!

  11. maryelle says:

    May the boomerang of hate and stupidity return to knock you out cold.

  12. @rhea, point taken, even if it did give me the willies just thinking about it! Still Cheney’s talking him up….

  13. Zyxomma says:

    This klown kar is headed over a kliff. I believe Scott Walker (R-Koch Industries) will be the last one standing (I almost wrote last man standing, but that would imply that he’s human).


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