Friday Toon

June 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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0 Comments to “Friday Toon”

  1. Just once I’d like a political cartoon about GOP obstruction to be overstated. Just once.

  2. A child’s wading pool is deeper then the GOP depth of understanding of anything!

  3. If any smart person knows the answer, my question would be
    if the democrats said now that republicans want to pass legislation, the original dream act which passed the senate is still in the files and would they like to pass it now?
    What would the republican reaction be?

  4. As Ezra Klein pointed out in the Washington Post the other day, the GOP opposes ANYTHING the Dems support, even stuff the GOP supported five minutes ago.

    “To recap: When Democrats endorse ideas Republican pioneered, that doesn’t lead to bipartisanship. When they endorse ideas Republicans currently support, that doesn’t lead to bipartisanship. And when they act on their own, that’s too partisan.
    So what, exactly, are they supposed to do?”

  5. stormkite says:

    If the Dems and Obama had any sense at all they’d come out strongly in favor of making breathing and eating mandatory.
