Friday Toon

May 11, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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0 Comments to “Friday Toon”

  1. Why shouldn’t Ron Paul keep on running? Although it baffles me that he labels himself a Libertarian while campaigning in the race to be the REPUBLICAN presidential nominee. This just proves that Libertarians are not a true third party but just another group like the teabaggers under the republican umbrella.

  2. Sam in Pearland says:

    Scariest person in the race to replace Paul is Randy Weber (R-Pearland) who moved into the district to run. Weber has ties to Tom DeLay and a corrupt former city manager in Pearland. Extremely pro-business and NRA fanatic. Supports White Stallion power plant in Matagorda and lied about birth control during the effort to defund Planned Parenthood. He’s ranked the most conservative member of the Texas House which is akin to winning Stormtrooper of the Year in the SS.

  3. Okey-dokie says:

    Ron Paul’s business for the last twenty years has been running for president. Most become lobbyists or “consultants.”
