Friday Toons

September 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized





Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press

Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press

















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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Sadly, it all comes down to mindless fear.

    When a Palin thinks the POTUS shouldn’t protect a nerd, that hits close to home.

  2. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Brilliant collection. Stupid GOP.

  3. That Other Jean says:

    Bullseye! The jokes do indeed write themselves, but it’s great when they’re brilliantly illustrated.

  4. They are all spot on but it was the 9th one, (Ahmed’s Clock), that really, really still blows me away. The school said he can come back but only after he has fully served the suspension and they are not apologizing for what they did. Ahmed isn’t stupid. He knows there is no way he can trust those damn dorks and his education and future as well as his personal self if at stake. I can say that if his family wants to relocate, he most likely could attend Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Virginia. They are always looking for kids like him and that school has pretty much been rated in the Top 10 High Schools in the country. Good luck to you, Ahmed, and God bless!

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    The cartoonist should have shown the National Geographic hanging out in an outhouse!! How the hell could they sell out to Murdoch?

    I agree with Elizabeth … good collection this Friday morning!!

  6. Marcia in CO says:

    @Maggie … I heard last night that a Charter school has let Ahmed know he is more then welcome to attend there. He knows he can not go back to the old school and admitted he will not go back there! His family will find a school suitable for him and his intelligence!!

    Disgusting that even the police are unwilling to apologize to that boy!!

  7. MacArthur High School must be a school for the underachieving kids and teachers, the ones who can’t think for themselves, no logic and no common sense. Just like the mayor and cops of that town. General Douglas MacArthur would not be proud to have had this school named after him since he wasn’t a coward or an idiot.

  8. Damn! Now there is a 13 year old kid in GA who is totally anti-Ahmed! Per his own statement, it sure sounds like he doesn’t know the difference between apples and oranges and is already predisposed to hate anything the President does. Now if it had been him treated like a jailbird . . .

  9. Linda Phipps says:

    And we have the golden wisdom of Bristol Palin … who feels compelled to speak out against Obama’s support of the brilliant teenager who got arrested for being being smart while Muslim.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Ahmed’s folks are looking at schools in and out of country.

  11. I choose to believe John Cornyn who says they are NOT going to shut the government down. Cruz needs a new pacifier.

  12. It was Saddam Hussein who was sitting on the lid to this Pandora’s box full of ISIS. Thanks a lot, Bush-Cheney, for not recognizing that the Middle East is complicated.

  13. Good thing it was an apple on that teacher’s desk instead of a banana. A banana would have been denounced as a gun.
